[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] All Slade did was blink, before he felt a mighty strength pushing down his ribs, somewhat diminished by the thick armor he was wearing but still enough to pin him down on his back. The gun shot obviously had her startled, provoking a physiological response by her side. Although a professional, Slade did get irate when someone he tries to help rolls him down and pins a blade to his neck, even if his neck is protected by a state-of-the-art shield. What made it even worse is that certain somebody was a teenager girl who weighed less than a coffin. But, he did understand that the reaction was entirely based on instinct, made even more apparent by the girls 'oh shit' reaction after she gained awareness, and he wasn't going to drag the case any longer. Having said that, the Mercenary was in a room full of other misfits much like him, people who were willing to tear him a new asshole the moment he made a slight mistake. He was left with no option but to shove the girl away. "Damn right!", was his response to Ravager's falter as he slowly hauled himself up, grabbing onto her neck with his cold, metallic gauntlets. Upon inspecting her up close, it was obvious that she was athletic and pretty strong but she also had to be onto some kind of drug to be able to roll a metahuman legend among the underground community like he was some common thug. No mere human besides The Bat was able to so much as land a hit on Slade, let alone pin him down to the ground. As he was preparing to ram the wannabee's ass down to the concrete, Slade's ears picked up a sound, another hostile response by Catman. The guy was getting into his nerves. He decided to deliver him a message, throwing the light-headed Ravager at his direction. The Cat would probably dodge something like that effortlessly, and the girl would probably regain balance mid-air, figuring she was agile enough, but nonetheless he had a reputation to maintain.