Yes because i love Top Gear and a new season is coming out soon~ Incestment? XD Well hey, what you do in your spare time is none of my business! Ahem. Well I've been here for ages, I'm not leaving. I may be on 1-2 other sites but this will always be a place I call home. While I don't agree with people running away at the first sign of trouble (and to be fair, this 'trouble' has been going on for months) I understand their need to find a better place, but they won't. *shrugs* But hey, I see things are improving and with any luck our other RPers will find their way back or I'll have to annoyingly fix the mess they've made by not coming back promptly or speaking up at least about a delay because hey, I'd understand given the shit situation with the site but I'd rather keep things rolling than not.