Yuri sat among her fellow officers listening as the watch Commander droned on about the previous shift's work. She was disgusted when around her were hoots of laughter an derision about the most brutal acts committed by men an women who like herself had sworn to protect the peace an citizens of the station. She though kept such to herself knowing that she was already a pariah and alone. Those fine members of E-force around her were shown as paragons of virtue and duty but in actuality were little more than paid thugs for the corporations. They crushed any who complained about the near slavery under which they toiled and did nothing to find the corp assassins that killed any that the bosses targeted. "Protectors of the peace my shiny rear end" she thought to herself as the meeting closed down and the beats were assigned. When the Commander called Yuri's name he said."Okimoto Hole!" [B]Hai Commander![/B] said Yuri as around her there were snickers an looks one might expect from the fans of death sport anticipating a kill. She then stood and saluted the Earth Force Flag that was by the door before walking to her locker. When she opened it she found that as a gift some of her squad mates had left her five dead rats so sighing she removed her gear and put on all but the helmet which had something foul smeared inside it. Leaving the precinct Yuri walked down to a local cleaners that serviced the officers needs. Stepping inside she put the helmet into a box that the shop keeper had on the counter waiting for her. The old man who was a former E-force officer himself sighed asking "They still giving you a hard time Lily?" He smiled and handed her an order fighting spray and her extra helmet. [B] They're just being playful[/B] she says as she begins spraying herself "Yeah I can smell how playful; you know Lily if you'd just play the game like they do it'd be a lot easier" he says as he put her soiled helmet an the box it's in inside a plastic bag. [B]I'd rather get spaced besides they're saying they want to send me out to Titan station.[/B] she says as she hands him back the spray satisfied that she no longer stinks. "I hear Titan's as peaceful a station as any officer could ever want" the old man chuckles making a joke about thhe most remote place in Sol system [B] Well I could catch up on my reading that's for sure[/B] Yuri giggles as she straps on her clean helmet then heads out.