"I'm aware of that, lets just say I know couple others methods for the time being." He smiled at North, he could tell the man really didn't like him, no one liked him I mean a guy who could tell what you thought was just not attractive to have as a friend. South on the other was much smarter than her brother, she refused to allow her subconscious to show how she felt about him or she didn't really care, he liked both answers. He nodded listening as they explained there skills sets, North was just a damn good shot, a talented individual, born with a gifted eye and more than likely had training to make it better. South on the other hand looked like the kind person who got where she was thanks to a little talents and a lot of work. Carolina sighed and run a hand through his hair looking at South. "Yes human try to protect things with so much security and caution, but the more you look something in the more reason you give to want it." He nodded, he was sure he and South could get along, intellectual respect and all that. "So lets change the subject shall we? Hobbies what do you like to do in your spare time." He decided to get away from the topic of work. It would be a much better topic than work, his was vehicles having heritage among moonshiners, formula 1 drivers, and pilot who broke the speed of sound. His true love was working with vehicles, his mother had run auto shop on there colony and he had helped from a young age. Nothing made him feel more alive than when he was behind the wheel of a mean machine.