Name: Cesare DaRagusa Age: 17 Cadet Cultural Descent (i.e. Polish, Italian, etc. Asian is not allowed, as this is sidelining the canon and Mikasa is the only known (half)asian left): Italian Strongest skill: He has a thick skull General skills: Cookin' up the best meals you ever ate. Acrobatics while used the 3DG (Includes but not limited to : Flips, Tightrope walking, Cartwheeling etc) Weakest skill: Accepting other opinions Weapons: Two swords, standard issue everything. Also a few kitchen knives stuffed in his uniform, but he doesn't want to get those dirty unless necessary. Appearance: [img=] Personality: Hailing from a very culinary based family, Cesare learned to cook from a young age. He constantly has to be in a hurry because of this as he learned in a restaurant with cheap food. Cheap food meant a lot of starving poor people to feed. Now all Cesare can think about is not waiting for anything. Other than this, he thinks his views are correct in every way and nothing will change his mind. His methods are tried and true, well, at least he says that. He's never actually fought a titan, but trust me, he knows how to handle one. At least he thinks. History: Born into a large family with only one actually sibling, an older sister who died in a titan attack when they first moved into the walls. He was only 2 so he honestly doesn't recall the event even though he claims it's his inspiration for fighting. He group up very fast due to his parents constant pestering, so he never learned to not act out. he acts out. A lot. He was never told as a child to stop doing things like this as his parents were always busy with something else. He joined the cadets as soon as he was old enough to pass as being old enough and got kicked out for being 3 years too young. His parents had planned on ditching him, but he showed up before they could leave, so three yoears later he joined again. And they left. And now he graduated and is aspiring to not joining the scout team. Other: He had a pet once. A rooster named "Big Red". His parents cooked it for dinner one day, and Cesare had to hold him down so they could cut the head off.