Though Rareth had managed to get Shiva and herself to a relatively safe and stable position, there was little she could do from there. Normally, she was quite proficient in zero-G combat, as her telekinesis allowed her more fine maneuverability than was possible with thrusters. However, her current level of magical fatigue placed her in a difficult situation. She [i]needed[/i] to keep her barriers up, or one shot could mean death, but at the moment, she could not keep her barriers and perform complex telekinesis at the same time. It was difficult enough to keep the piece of debris she and Shiva were using for cover stable. As a result, she was forced to stay put, peering over her cover to take shots at the enemy. At the very least, the fact that one shot could also potentially kill them kept them cautious as well. At the range they were engaging, and with the debris floating between them, it was difficult for either side to land hits on the other. Rareth heard Shuo announce that a Sovereignty dropship was inbound, so all they needed to do was stall for time. Rareth was almost out of ammo for her pistol, so she switched to single fire and tried to be conservative with her shots, but even so, the forty seconds could not seem to pass more slowly. Each shot she fired was simply meant to suppress her foes, though two did hit the shields of two separate enemies. A small light on the back of her weapon indicated to her that she was drawing close to an empty magazine, so she saved her last shot and held herself behind cover, drawing her blade on the off-chance that the enemy decided to advance. She could do almost nothing more to help in the fight, apart from keep their cover stable, but looking back outside the breach, she could see the dropship approaching.