Everything had happened so fast. Before Dorian's eyes a young man and what was assumed to be his digital partner arrived. Candlemon and Xander were the names, as Xander had introduced them. Though he apparently wished to be called 'Fox'. Maybe Dorian might do it. Perhaps... Assuming they were together long enough to speak. And then there was another digimon. No introduction. Just 'Hey!' as she spoke. He barely had time to process THAT much before the oaf of a digimon who looked like an ape came out of nowhere. "Hey..." It was likely from his behavior that the confrontation could have been avoided. He seemed territorial. All he said was that he wanted them gone, which was going to happen anyway. And yet even with those words he seemed to be wishing they would attack. "Hey!" Like the point was to fight. It was antagonizing the group, but didn't give off the feeling that it wanted to particularly hurt them. Xander and Candlemon fell for it hook line and sinker. And so did another girl who pretty much came out of nowhere. "HEEEYY!" Impmon shouted as he swiftly kicked Dorian in the shin, pulling him back from his thoughts. "OW!" Dorian yelped as he crouched and grabbed his leg hopping in pain. "Why you little..." Before he could finish Impmon shook his head. "Look. You weren't paying attention and I needed you to listen okay?" The little purple digimon spoke quickly. "Apemon is a Champion level digimon. Aside from a little mild discomfort or MAYBE a LITTLE pain..." He emphasized maybe and little as he explained the situation's severity, "They won't be doin anythin. You humans and us digimon are made differently. All those two are doin is puttin themselves in danger. Maybe with a little trainin or some kinda empowerment they could be of use against higher level digimon, but right now they're a liability and needa stay back." The imp finished and looked at Dorian who'd thus stopped his painful movements. "Alright alright I get it. Stop the two who were brave enough to fight and let you guys handle it for now." Dorian said as he looked at the situation once more. "Brave, shmave!" Impmon said a little annoyed. "What's worse is one's partner hasn't made any progress with her, and the other didn't even make the attempt to stop the guy after gettin one lousy look! It's stupid! Idiotic! They charged in without any regard as to who or what they were attackin! It's stupid... And thoughtless and..." "And probably something you'd be likely to do huh? Can't stand more reckless acts?" Dorian chuckled and smirked looking down at his partner. "Just help out the digimon and I'll help the other two." He quickly shifted so as to calm his partner who huffed and nodded. Impmon without another note on the subject Impmon turned and charged at Apemon. "Bada BOOM!" He shouted throwing a flame of darkness aimed for Apemon's face. In all honestly he was glad his partner hadn't charged in, despite how easy it was to tell that the human definitely wanted to. Meanwhile, Dorian had swiftly made his way to Xander. "Alright, dude... Back up." He said as he immediately began forcing him back before Apemon could retaliate against him, hoping Impmon's attack would draw his attention anyway. "And you! Please get back!" He called out to the girl whom he would definitely force back if she didn't listen. Still, she likely would after seeing that he attack hadn't really done much damage at all.