[b]33.[/b] Jade Fist opened the door quietly once he'd found his way back to his and Ostel's room. A solid memory helped in big places like this. He entered the room, and admittedly, his mask hid his impressed expression as he gazed upon the contents of the quarters. Grand. Spacious. Opulent. The room held ornate furniture, lavish beds, a fireplace, bathing rooms... everything expected of a luxury. Everything was separated well enough apart that Ostel and Jade Fist would both have their own space to claim as their own. That, he was thankful for. And he had to be honest... this definitely beat sleeping in a locked cellar while guardsmen searched for him. And yet, it felt so alien to him, these ideal arrangements... but he knew full well the Headmaster, or her vampiric assisstant Evelynn, wouldn't let him leave so easily if he so wished. So. This was a decorated prison, in a sense. But he didn't mind. Jade Fist made his way across the room to where he guessed he'd be intended to sleep. He wouldn't, though. He was an elf after all. But a comfy place for reverie was an appealing feature. Something caught his eye, though. On the nightstand next to his bed, there was a small black orb, sizeable enough to fit in one's hand. It didn't feel like it belonged in the room, it felt... ominous. There was a folded note next to it. Jade Fist picked it up and opened it, curious. [center][i]To be delivered to the Earth and Light Sages' quarters. - Sicini del Mortha III[/i][/center] "Sicini?" Jade Fist muttered, picking up the little black orb and holding it in his free hand. "What does she..." Suddenly, the orb began to feel... colder. The black inside it began to twist and churn, like a bank of fog... and then a piercing yellow eye appeared within it. [i]Hello again, Sapiens Terrae.[/i] Jade Fist simply eyed the orb inquisitively, not responding in any way whatsoever. [i]Oh? Not surprised? Not going to drop it on the floor in a minor sense of shock?[/i] "I've used these sorts of tools before. It's nothing new to me." The elf replied. [i]Ah... you know, it's quite refreshing to see someone with a sense of professionalism and experience in the fray. Saves me quite a bit of trouble.[/i] "I'd expected you to want to speak in person. Why aren't you in the University?" [i]I've never had the pleasantry. The University is open only to those who prove themselves capable at some form of known magic. While I am a loose associate of the Headmaster's, I haven't been granted entry due to the... nature, of my experiments. Necromancy is a messy process when it's purely physical. And I'm certain those walls around you would shutter were I to perform a dark art or two within them. Besides, the place seems far too... lively, for my tastes.[/i] "So this is your alternative?" [i]Indeed. This orb allows vocal interaction to take place between the living and the dead.[/i] Jade Fist paused for a moment. "Wait..." He said, "You're dead?" [i]Currently, yes. I drove a needle through my throat shortly after you and the rest of the Sages departed from the mortal coil. My body is being guarded by Mortis.[/i] "I can't say I'm surprised. You are a necromancer after all." [i]A very experienced necromancer, Jade. I've a well developed map of the land of the dead. Walking between these two worlds is a specialty of mine. There may exist an assortment of alternate dimensions and universes in Divus, but they're all connected to the afterlife. All things dead end up here.[/i] "Alright, then. Did you need something or was this just a quick chat?" Jade Fist said, discarding the note and taking a seat on the bed, keeping his eyes locked on the orb. [i]There is something of the matter, actually. And I'm going to be blunt about it. I wish to inquire about the nature of your conversation with Zemlja.[/i] Jade Fist tensed up a little at the necromancer's words. [i]Particularly regarding Shatterbrain.[/i] Jade Fist remained silent. [i]Oh, don't be so adamant. Besides, I already know more than you do. Dead elves are full of information. I only wished to ask... what do you intend to do, Jade?[/i] "What do you mean?" Jade Fist replied in a hushed tone. [i]We both know full well it's etched into your fate. Zemlja did as well. You're going to return there one day. And you're not going to like what you find. Shatterbrain has become a festering, rotting pit of madness. It didn't die after you left. And now you have to administer some form of action against it. My question is what, exactly, will you do when the time comes?[/i] "I don't know." [i]You don't know, as in you haven't decided between your options, or you have absolutely no idea how to act?[/i] "I. Don't. Know." [i]Really, then? Hm... I suppose it's true. You can't rush fate. And I certainly can't rush one as stalwart as you. Very well, I will remain patient for an answer. Keep this orb somewhere I can easily reach you, if you would be so kind.[/i] Jade Fist didn't respond. [i]I know what may happen, dear. But it's up to you to decide what will happen.[/i] The glaring eye within the orb vanished into the bleak fog, and the surface bled into its previous state, solid black. The necromancer was gone. Jade Fist... didn't know how to react. He simply put the orb inside one of the pouches on his belt, sighing. He eased back on the bed, crossing his legs and placing his hands together. And he engaged in reverie. He didn't know if he wanted to formulate an answer to Sicini's question. But he certainly needed to.