"Well then something is bound to appear soon and Death taught me a nice little trick recently while he was here" she smirked and clicked her fingers a raven had suddenly found it's way to them and reached a hand up she let it perch there. "Who better than to find chaos or death that those who naturally seek it out" she smiled a little. The raven screeched and then jumped down it's head twitching towards the Doctor and then Seclusion before it spoke up in a scratchy voice but then Death came in. "Seclusion we have a big problem... Someone got into the stables... in my realm and well" "What have I told you about making sure that realm is secure those horses are dangerous..." "Umm not just any horse. Despairs son got out, his not yet been broken" "You idiot" she sighed and got up "Well we've found the chaos this Christmas Doctor"