Liaena had been following the entire exchange between Serphia and Shani with steadily rising levels of agitation. The relief that had crossed her face when Serphia gave the order to move out had been enormous – only to vanish a moment later to be replaced with dismay when the entire party of Night Elves got completely sidetracked by the gnome. Shani and Leila were gathered around Mitonk, the former busily turning him upside down as he yelled and flailed, everyone else in the room giving them an extremely wide berth. “What are you [b]DOING[/b]?” Shooting around the two Night Elves, Liaena got in between them and Serphia as they looked down at her grumpily. The small, dirty, dark-haired girl glared up at them in return as she flung out an arm towards Mitonk. “Never mind the wretched gnome! You’re wasting time, and we need to go!” “Ilitha Nur athar….why do midgets never shut up?” “Tilt him more to the left, Shani” “………………………” Grinding her teeth so tightly together it was a wonder her jaw didn’t break, Liaena forced down every vile insult she wanted to scream at each and every Night Elf in the room as she turned around, with exaggerated patience, to Serphia. Holding back her emotions tightly, she made every effort to sound as accommodating and reasonable as possible as she gave Serphia a pleading look. “Look. If he’s in league with the assassins, you’re letting him distract you and waste your time with silly threats and insults while Rithrynn – one of [i]your[/i] sentinels – could be in dire peril right this second. You’re playing right into their hands if you listen to him, can’t you see that?”