Me as well. [b]Name:[/b] James Weller [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]History/Personality:[/b] James grew up in an upper class family, to distant parents. He instead found his attachment at school, becoming the popular kid that everyone actually likes, with a funny, welcoming attitude that both friends and teachers fell for. Through high school and college he was a part of student government, primarily as the event planner. Although he and his parents never really got along he was content to take their money and connections to become a full fledged event planner, and he quickly rose above his parent's connections through his own wit, charm, and good nature, creating ties with some of the most well-connected people in LA. One of these connections, Derek, and also one of James' closest friends, was actually a member in high standing of the LA underworld, and although he kept the connection cautious, James was never afraid to use the black market to get what he wanted to really make his events a hit with his customers. He is currently dating a paralegal at a prestigious law firm who has the skills to be a full lawyer, but who has never been able to get the score she needed on the bar to remain in the firm as a full lawyer. He and Virginia (Jenna) have been dating for five years, but both are devoted enough to their work that they are happy with their relationship as it is. [b]Family:[/b] His parents got divorced when he was 9. Mother - Elizabeth Vance - partially estranged, they talk on holidays and birthdays. Three times divorced, currently unmarried. Thomas was her longest marriage - Anesthesiologist Father - Thomas Weller - estranged. Wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and didn't like it when James became an event planner, still married to his second wife, Brittany, who doesn't work - Petroleum Engineer Younger Half Brother - Joseph Weller - They still get along well, because the sibling rivalry never formed between them while Jamie was switching houses on a regular basis currently 19, in college as a chemical engineer. Is fully prepared to give Jamie a portion of his father's money because James is no longer in the will, even though James says it isn't necessary.