It was Meiji, 1878 when he was alive. He was well known though out the country for his beautiful dolls that he had created. it was said that the doll maker could even hear the very voices of the dolls. But he began to feel obsessed with the dolls that he made. He wanted to create the most beautiful, perfect doll. One that could even come alive when the owner loved them enough. Yet no matter what he did, he could never create that perfect doll. One day, a woman from across the sea came to Edo, the city that he resided. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before in his life, and just like him, she was a doll maker. Yet her dolls were different. Coming from Europe, they were more lifelike. Together they began to create dolls that were much different. Yet they began to attract the wrong type of attention. The people of Edo began to fear their art and started to spread rumors. The said that the woman from the west was a witch and had casted a spell over the doll maker. They pleaded with him to toss her away. To force her out. Yet he loved the woman and refused their demands. Fear began to give way into anger and the people attacked both the doll maker and the woman. They killed her, and when they reached him, in his grasp was the doll that he worked so hard to make. With one strike, they felled him spilling his blood. Before he died, holding it to his chest and close to his bleeding heart, the doll maker made only one last wish. [i]If only I could become one with this doll and live forever[/i]. With that, he breathed his last. *** A hundred and fifty years later.... Ever sense she was a little girl, she always loved dolls. Anything from cloth, to porcelain, she was a collector of many. One day during lunch at her high school, she overhears her friends talking about a doll that was known to be a cursed doll. That during the night it would move and even attack its owners. Thinking it as nothing, she files it away in her mind, Yet after school she finds a small shop. A shop that she had never seen before. Curious, she goes inside, to find a place full of so many different things. A monkey's paw, voodoo talismans, spell books, the works. Yet one thing caught her eye behind the counter. A beautiful male porcelain doll. So lifelike, that he seemed real. The owner notices her eye on it and sells it to her for cheep, yet left her with one warning: "This doll is very special. It is said that if you love him enough, he will come to life. Be warned that if this happens, you must not fear him, but love him even more." With that, she left in a daze. Once she was at home though, she looked at the doll more, finding that thee more and more she looked at him, the more and more she grew to care, even love him. And just as promised, the doll came to life... ********* This is a one on one rp though PMs. I'm looking for causal to advance players who want to play the girl. If you are interested, please PM me and I shall get back to you pretty quickly. I hopee to hear from you soon ^-^