Andromeda: I had already arrived at the Academy that had always been owned by my family, I always had been here as I lived already my whole life in the family's house, at the other side of the grounds where students weren't allowed to come. I walked trough the snow, Aslan holding in my arms. ''When will the newbies arrive An?'' he asked. ''Soon, the first one did already, remember Aslan?'' I asked my red with white kitten. ''Yes I know, the one with the lizard'' he said. ''No silly, that was a dragon'' I said with a giggle. I looked at the frozen pond in the garden and smiled, snow was slowly falling down from the sky. My dark red winter jacket with grey fur on the hood keeping me warm. ''I wanna go inside An..'' Aslan said. ''I know Aslan, but I want to walk a little more in the snow'' I said. ''You are stubborn, I don't like that.. Why did I pick you again?'' the kitten asked. ''Because you like how I give you way to many treats and hug you all day long'' I said with a smile. Aslan's only response was climbing on my shoulder where he took off my hood and took place in that for most off his body, just holding on to my shoulder as he always did. ''I love you too Aslan'' I said with a smile and slowly walked back to my room. Ruby: I had just arrived and was unpacking my stuff in my new room. ''You know Ruby, I think your uncle made a good choice'' Moon, my snow dragon, said. ''I know you think that.. But I don't know if I ever will find friends here... I mean.. you know how I am with people... Before I know it, I froze their feet to the ground or their drinks or something....'' I said. ''Don't be so insecure.. There is no need for that'' Moon said to me and I smiled some. ''Okay... But never leave my side... You know how to read people.. I can't do that'' I then said. ''You have to learn to listen to your heart'' Moon said and then laid herself down on my bed. ''That is my bed you know'' I said and threw a pillow at her. She swiped with her tail and broke it. ''Moon!'' I said fake angry but smiling big. ''Moon isn't here at the moment, please leave a message after the snowball hit your face'' Moon said and fired of a snowball, hitting my face. She had learned that line from me, and I hated myself for learning her that.