---------------------------------------------------- [b][i]~~~~~~Agrabah / Royal Street (Main Street leaving from the Palace)~~~~~~[/i][/b] The panic seemed to rush through the crowds faster as more people fled from the large shambling creature of darkness. Even those who couldn’t possibly see the beast itself through the mass of people quickly picked up on the fear and promptly ran or hid from the monstrosity, its singular gaze rolling around catching sight of anything in front of it, while its long tendril hanging face slithered and disturbed the dust covered ground, like any other animal trying to catch a scent. The creature’s leather-like body stretched and shook with every one of the beast’s long strides of its distorted appendages. Though almost bone like in appearance, the flimsy and somewhat brittle look the body gave was quite clearly misleading, the slow change the rest of the body was going through only now seemingly beginning to settle on the ribcage and spine styled exoskeleton on its upper torso. Though it was a single word before what happened next, just as it had done with the screams that came from all around it, the abomination continued its search. That was until the searing pain through one of its frontal arms caused it to release a hideously loud shriek and hiss. Propping up on its back legs, the beast clutched the now stump of its arm, the black goo splattering onto the ground by the still wiggling limb not enough to actually cover the appendage, even with such a bad wound, but there was enough to stain the once lightly brown sand a shine-less black. Swinging its leech-like face towards the alley, and the two figures standing within, the once single eye was soon joined by many smaller ones, the things appearing along the creature’s smooth skin like growths, and all glaring solely on the one who had hurt them. Releasing its grip on the stump, which had miraculously stopped bleeding, the beast’s remaining whole arm quickly reached down to grab the remains that still laid on the ground. The sight of it not only bringing the lifeless piece up to the stump but of it somehow reattaching it, was with a disgusting sight, the crunch and pop of it signalling its reattachment as the same dark liquid from its wound bubbled and seemed to congeal and harden where the pieces now joined. It was very clear the creature was definitely nothing like any Heartless. It was something much older and clearly much more dangerous. Able to keep sight on Ryoko and Salforge with its dozen of eyes, the beast let out another one of its high-pitched shrieks, the sheer sound of it enough to cause some of the reflecting cubes close by it to shake and ripple. Though it was the sudden look in the creature’s main large eye that seemed to be the reason why it didn’t leap towards Ryoko and Salforge, and instead cause its spine to creak and groan as it immediately went flying down Main Street, the now slightly mismatched arms sweeping at anything in its way. The panic that quickly seemed to spread further through Main Street had finally appeared to get the guards to begin closing the city’s large gates, trying their best to contain the fearing crowds within these sections of the market only. Having been slowly making their way towards the palace itself, it was the reason why the sections had fewer and fewer citizens within them, yet each one was passed through exactly the same way by the creature. The once large gates were torn apart as the beast ran by, its arms easily capable of ripping through the material in a matter of seconds, even if it meant some of the jagged edges sliced into its body as it passed through, and yet always the scars were quickly covered by the congealing and bubbling liquid by the time it reached the opposite gateway exit. It was the iron layered gates, having been lowered in panic at the sound of the increasingly growing sound of wood caving in, which proved to be a little hard for the abomination. After a few anger filled whacks from its arms and tendril flailing face, the creature quickly began to climb the iron wall, its weight compared to its brittle looking body clearly enough to bend the metal as it slowly reached the top, its gaze able to peer through the iron holes and over the wooden gates, to see the figure of a man, one who looked to be from this world, and the darkness reeking being that was behind it. It was the sight of this that once again caused the beast’s eyes to flare in both excitement and impatience. Like a caged and wild animal, the creature shrieked as it shook and clawed and very soon even succeeding in beginning to tear apart the iron contraption that kept it from its source of hunger. Scraps of crushed metal were flung behind the hanging beast as it pulled the chunks free with pure strength with every grasp of its clawed hands. Soon, there was enough of an opening to allow the creature into the gap between the two iron gates, and it was with this new foothold that its whole strength was used, not in opening another hole, but judging from the loud rattles of the gate and cracking wall edges with each slam of its arms, to bring down the whole gate itself.