The music blasting in Shay's room drowned out the buzz of other student's from the surrounding dormitory rooms. She did not care to socialize at the moment. Once she was done with folding her clothes and making note of everything, she was going to go take a ride in hr car to the smoothie store down the street. She was dying for a blueberry smoothie and was going to freak out if she did not receive one in the next twenty-four hours. The hunger she felt was nothing compared to how hungry she used to be at home - if that was an appropriate name for it. A loud explosion made her jump and drop her clothes. She whirled around and darted towards the window and stared out. The parking lot was on fire. Smoke greedily rose up into the sky to drown out the sunshine filled sky. She gasped, seeing the students, then realized her car was down there. Additionally, there were police everywhere as well and ambulances, which made her chuckle, upon remembering her medical teams at home. They were such a joke, though she couldn't entirely blame therm. A chill ran down her spine, bringing her back to reality. She ran back to her pile of clothes, tossed them carelessly in her closet kicked the doors shut, then sprinted out the door. Never mind the fact she wore a skull tank top, distressed shorts, and her hair was in a messy braid; her car was out there. She barely had time to put on her leather black motorcycle boots, which were left untied. She ran out to the parking lot and accidentally into a dark-haired blue-eyed boy who headed towards the dormitory. She bit back a shriek, unaware of the incident, and slowed to a halt a few yards away. Her old, yet valuable and loved, black jeep, was up in flames. Shay felt a surge of frustration and hatred for whoever had set the damn fire. That car had been her key to freedom. Now... Now she was stuck at this damn college for who knew how long. Whatever. She was stealing a motorcycle or abandoned car the moment she found one. She was not dealing with this. With a quick turn on her heels and a glare, she turned back towards the dormitory. She didn't bother asking if anyone was okay - they had the professionals here. A snort rose in her throat and was caught moments before it escaped. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sage sat in the courtyard with a book in his hand. He was nearby the beautiful lake in which he was glad to have. It was a nice scene to look at, other than the boring mundane forests. He glanced back out at the trees before him and sighed.There was something he enjoyed about nature, yet the feeling of being lost in the woods, made him uneasy. At least with a lake, there was a source of escape and view. He looked back down and turned a page in his book. It was a new one he had purchased on his way to the college and was interested in reading. Sage reached for his water bottle, then accidentally flung it when a loud explosion to his left sounded. The cars in the parking lot blew up in flames, smoke loyally following behind it. He gawked at the scene. Was this real? Had the parking lot of this oh-so-beloved college, blown up? This couldn't be happening. Still, after rubbing his eyes and blinking rapidly, the scene had not improved. In fact, it became a hundred times worse when he saw there were people trapped in one of the cars. Sage leaped to his feet, stuffed his items in his bag, and kicked it behind a tree to hide it. He ran over with wide-eyes and skitted to a halt. Sage began to run towards the car, only to find it frozen over by a brunette haired girl. He blinked, shocked and bewildered. Nonetheless, he was glad to see the duo had been saved. He sighed in relief. After a half hour of the police interrogations, they were dismissed. Sage found himself beside the girl who had used ice. However that had happened was beyond him. He glanced at her, admiring her beauty, and cleared his throat. "Hey." He greeted. He had an Australian accent, laced with an undertone of British. "How are you?" He decided to keep it simple and not overwhelm the poor girl. Goodness only knew what she felt or thought. Should he back off? Anxiety chewed at his stomach. He wanted to make sure this girl was alright and stood his ground.