[b] [u]Astrid[/u] [/b] Astrid stood in that exact spot where she had stood up just staring at the car that had blown up on her. Her clothes were slightly burned away by now, leaving her just in a bra and the rags of her jeans. Yet she could not move from her spot. Almost as if she was rooted to the ground by her fear and confusion. Suddenly flinching at a large rough hand on her shoulder, Astrid whipped around to see a policeman standing next to her. He was taller than her with a kind face covered in a large brown beard. When the hell had the police gotten here? Without saying a word the man reached up his other hand, holding a blanket in it. With careful precision he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, to cover her, allowing her to retain some of her modesty. Astrid wandered around the burnt up parking lot with a vacant look in her eye. Like a lost sheep in a pasture she just walked slowly her mind slowly trying to comprehend what had happened. A sudden flash of memory brought her back to that moment when fire had engulfed her. The bright colors of yellow, orange, red, and white, so close. As if they actually touched her eyeball. Yet the heat from the flames. It hadn't... it hadn't hurt her. She was alive, after being in the middle of a giant explosion. She kept walking her head bent down in an attempt to wrap her mind around the complex idea that she was somehow alive. With her head down she didn't see as she walked into two people. A man and woman that had also been at the explosion. They showed no signs at having actually been in the explosion, but besides her burnt clothes neither did she. Her blanket somewhat slipping down over her left shoulder she stared at the two for a moment blankly before softly saying, "I'm.. i'm sorry."