Today was a new day, a day of possibilities. Possibilities he couldn’t have ever have imagined outside of a story. He was happy and not just because of the high quality wax he’d just smoked out of an apple. [i]So I’m guessing my powers have to do with energy…Mike’s fucking professor X..that girl’s telling what else..I bet that explosion is connected to this shit..I hope the drugs aren’t finally killing my brain.[/i] Floyd stopped for a second to ponder that before shaking that off. He wasn’t that crazy, there wasn’t a drug on earth that could make him hallucinate everything that was going on today. After he got done taking care of business he’d figure out what exactly his power was, maybe hit up that super-powered sexy girl from he met at the frat party the day before, and of course get ready to party even harder today the first Friday of the semester. Sometimes when he get really high he could slip into a stream of negative thoughts and something was nagging on his mind as he made his way down the stairs. The explosion that took place that nearly claimed that girl’s life, who was responsible for it. If it was a power what if it turned out to be his, if anyone died then it would be because of him. [i]Fuck maybe I really am going crazy..talking about powers causing the could have been anything..guess I won’t know to the news for once I hope 12 finds some shit out. If this power shit is true then who the fuck else is like us..besides me mike and that girl..when did this shit start..I been feeling great since yesterday..but this when I was really on one.[/i] This morning something hit him and he stopped in tracks right as he got to the entrance to the commons. [i]This is gonna prove if I’m crazy or not[/i] Considering he was putting his sanity on the line, he hoped his theory proved true. Without wasting any more time he stepped pushing the door open and stepping inside. A wave of relief came over him as the euphoria returned from earlier in force. He never stopped feeling good but outside basking in the sun he felt better than good, he felt unstoppable. There was a boundless energy that flowed through him that only seemed amplified in daylight. [i]If this shit stated last night it makes since..the sun’s got me in the zone..when I’m inside or at night..I’m still Gucci..but this is the best. Fuck I gotta retrace my steps..Spiderman got bit..I gotta find out what the fuck bit my ass..[/i] He was thinking metaphorically as he didn’t believe radioactive spiders had anything to do with his improved quality of life, but something had changed. He was more convinced that he was right, so he was sure that whatever happened to change him happened yesterday. [i]Mike’s headache! That shit wasn’t normal homie..was overreacting to every damn thing… and him both had some wild shit happen to us this morning….gotta see who else been having some odd shit happen to them. Fuck..I’m wasting time I need to get my shit first.[/i] Really he had no idea how to determine what side effects warranted the possibility of someone having superhuman powers. With that he began heading towards the mail room as he had a package to pick up. It was a short walk to the mail room, it felt shorter because he was probably walking faster than ever before. Fatigue was a concept that had apparently become foreign to him as he felt better the more he walked. He made his way inside and for once the air condition wasn’t as refreshing as usual. He wouldn’t say he came down, but he wasn’t as “up” when he made his way inside. He knew his package was here, and he didn’t need to waste any time picking it up. He made his way over to a reception desk and saw a petite blonde woman sitting down in a chair on a desktop. “Hey, uhhh I’m here to ..pick up a package.” The woman took her eyes of the computer to glance at him. “Sure thing lemme see your ID.” “Yeah ite..” [i]I shoulda been took this shit out. Everyones fucking looking at me..[/i] That typical marijuana paranoia was creeping up on him, the uncomfortable feeling that all eyes were on him. However it quickly subsided as he reached into his wallet taking out my ID without hesitation or fumbling. It was like he was high, but still highly functional, basically like getting high on Adderall but without the jittery side effects. She handed back his ID and got up to go to the back. He couldn’t resist the urge to stare at her ass. Damn that shit’s nice..I would fuck..the.. “Here.” He had been so lost in his own lust that he hadn’t even noticed she was already back to the front of the reception desk with his package. “Oh yeah….thanks..”He grinned and decided it was time to make his exit. Upon getting inside he tore open the box to see an envelope. He began peeling it open carefully as he walked down the side walk and all his fears were washed away once again. Inside was exactly what he ordered, his sheet of high quality LSD blotter paper. With this large amount of hits at his disposal he’d have the campus experiencing a flash back into the 60’s. [i]Shit’s finna get real trippy round here, gotta let people know got the tabs on deck.[/i] He couldn’t risk taking out the sheet in public, although he was positive no one unfamiliar with psychedelics would be able to tell what it was still risky. He licked the envelop resealing it, and placing it in his pocket. Walking over to a trash can he tossed the box in, figuring it was too sketchy to walk around with a box. Then again walking around with this many hits of acid was risky no matter what, but he if he was risking hundreds of felonies he couldn’t be blatant about it. His first week of college was great, he was happy Dante and his brother had came through. Sure he’d brought some stuff down, but driving as far as he did he didn’t want to risk bringing too much just in case he had been pulled over. It would have been shitty to start his freshmen year facing felony drug charges. He took out his phone and went to his recent messages, going to the name of the person he intended to visit next. Where the fuck did she say she lives. He pressed the name Jordan, opening up his texts with her. Since there weren’t many a quick scroll up and he found what he was looking for, her address. She was a sophomore that lived off campus, and claimed she was “plugged in” for bars. He gave her the benefit of the doubt maybe she had a couple xanax bars but he doubted she was a legitimate connect. Or rather his hopes were low that could she provide him with enough to actually start moving them on campus. But regardless even if she only had few he had money to spare, and it was Friday the perfect day to get barred the fuck out. Not to mention she was one of the hottest girls he’d ran into on campus, lush black hair, a pair of some of the biggest tits he ever seen. [i]Her ass was on point, motherfucking porn star booty. Now that’s some shit I’m trying to slide into. That other white girl was bad af too and she’s got super powers, I picked the right fucking school.[/i] Floyd had used maps to put the address in, and was happy to see the location wasn’t that far even on foot. It was about a fifteen minute walk not bad at all, and lately being on foot felt better than ever anyway. “Hmm wait a minute if I’m really fyy..” He walked over to a rock on the ground and picked it up. He had an idea and suddenly tossed the rock into the sky. It soared into the air of course if he oculd rip doors off their hinges, a rock was nothing. This was when he was ready he looked up at the rock in the sky which he could still see despite how far into the air it had went. [i]Let’s get it.[/i] I thought about the bottle, held out my hand focusing on the rock.” RETURN!!!” nothing..”COME BACK MOTHERFUCKer…”..Nothing.” GOD DAMN IT!!!!!” He yelled out and suddenly the rock came flying back at me. It was moving so fast he forgot that it probably couldn’t hurt him and instantly absorbed the kinetic energy from it. The rock slowed down and he plucked it out of the sky. But something happened, as the kinetic energy surged through him..he felt better, stronger, faster, everything. “Woaaah Woaaah!!!! “ He made a quick scan of the area to see if anyone saw that, then grinned. “Fuck taking ten minutes.” He tossed the rock into the air again, and a few tries later he seemed to get the hang of it. His whole body was surging with energy, it seemed by directly pumping energy into his body it provided a far more noticeable surge of power. He felt like if he kept repeating this plan he’d be able to out talk a cokehead, but even with the few successful tries he had he felt this energy was too much. Excess, overwhelming like when you took too many uppers. “ Ohhh my god!!!!” He started walking faster then ever, this would put even the best power walker to shame. Then he decided to up it a level and took off running. He was moving as fast as a sports car, and then some. Luckily the side walk leading to her apartment was fairly empty and he slowed down as he arrived at the front of the apartment complex. “I’m..fucking Superman!!!!!!!!!” [i]Fuck a car..the feds ain’t never catching me if I’m on foot SHIT!![/i] It wasn’t long before he was outside her door. He realized he hadn’t even texted her that he was coming, but she said he could come by whenever he wanted. He knocked on her door a few times, and inside he could hear movement. His hearing was another thing that gotten surprisingly better, everything about him was excellent. As soon as he got the door he’d noticed the odor of marijuana was strong, and the door opened up to Jordan who was very high with a blunt in her hands. “Ohh my gossh Flooooyd from the party yesterday, whewwww I thought you were a cop haha..I woulda been screwed” She answered the door with a black T shirt and some black panties. “Naww….I ain’t the feds..I’m here tryna see them xans you was talking about” [i]Damn..she’s..bad[/i] His eyes drifted towards her chest despite his best effort to look her in the eyes. “Oooh there nice aren’t they. Comeeee inside here hit this!!” She handed Floyd the blunt as he walked inside, closing the door behind him. She’s gotta be on some shit.. He couldn’t put his finger on it, as he hit the blunt a couple times. It was definitely some high quality weed, comparable to the stuff he sold maybe even a little better. He saw Jordan walk over to the other side of the room and bent over. Shiiiiiiit He decided to make himself comfortable taking a seat on her couch. She walked over to the couch with a smile on her face sitting down next to Floyd and taking out a plastic bag filled with A LOT of xanax bars. “Holy shit..yoo that’s a fuck ton…I didn’t..think…” “See Silly..I told you I’m the plug, a whooole script, 120 nights of fun for $200. My psychiatrist thinks I’m fucking kuukuu for coco pufs so I get em every month” She just giggled handing Floyd the bag. He passed the blunt back to her and examined the pills. Holy shit..I can make hella bands…off this shit..bars. He took out his wallet, taking out two 100’s and handing them to her. All he could see in his mind right now where dollar signs, money the one thing that could take his mind off sex. “Holy shit..” He said as he pocketed the xanax in another pocket, somewhat paranoid due to the large amount of felonies he was walking around with. He got up to leave when Jordan reached out to grab him. “Nooooo where do you think your going we didn’t even finish smooooooookiiiiing haha.” She just started laughing, and he noticed how dilated her eyes. “Beesids don’t you wanna do something fuuun.” Floyd sat back down with a quickness accepting the blunt taking a long hit before grinning.” Depends what are we doing.” She smiled happy that he was receptive and reached into her bra taking out a baggie. He instantly recognized what it was, and it explained her behavior. “Molly!!! Aaaand me.” She said the last part in a seductive tone as she opened the bag of capsules. Floyd reached in taking out a capsule and popping it before locking lips with Jordan. Within tenminutes the MDMA was kicking In, and euphoria surged through his body. He began losing feeling In his face, growing more and more horny as he made out with Jordan. It only got better from there ripping off each other’s clothes, Floyd proceeded to snort a line of MDMA off her chest and what came next was some of the best drug enhanced sex of his life.