Robin growled having enough of this ridiculousness. She shifted and tackled Luke to the ground pinning him on to the ground while she growled in his face. [I]I can`t think with you being a fucking whiny brat![/I] She yelled in all of their heads. Compared to a normal lycan she was significantly larger, making her all the more intimidating. That paired with how strong she looked in general was a strong combination. [I]I am from this moment on stripping you of your Alpha title Luke! You know how much trouble I`ve already caught you in and yet you seem to want to run yourself and your pack even farther into the ground. No respectable Alpha would do anything that you have done and I`m sick of even looking at your weak face![/I] She growled, everything of which she`d said going to everyone. Another thing about Robin is that she didn`t have much patience either, hell the search for her mate was driving her crazy at this point.