Yuri caught the rail to her beat riding with those who lived there headed home from some low paying job. She looked around herself noticing as she always did that she was treated by the locals as if she smelled like the helmet she had left to be cleaned. Yuri didn't blame them for acting as if she were the enemy because in most encounters with the officers of E-force the civil population in all but the executive sector treated like unruly prisoners. Yuri was different than those she served with having been brought up in a family of law enforcement officers that had served for 7 generations. She was taught that to be a police officer was a calling like being a priest or a monk and that it was an officer's duty to be always on the side of justice and the people. Unfortunately Yuri now found herself working to support an unjust system which no longer protected the people but now protected those who twisted the law to serve their needs. More and more lately Yuri thought about resigning her commission but knew that would only put her at the mercy of the employment boards because she was still indentured to the colony for another 3 years. She could like others try and run hoping one day to escape on a ship who's captain could be bribed but even then she'd still be a fugitive. The Earth Gov would return her for punishment by the colony and she'd be sentenced at best to life at hard labor for the crime of breaking her employment contract. Because her abandonment would reflect badly on E-force even though they'd try to hush it up they'd make her's a special hell because of the rumors. Shaking off such foolish thought Yuri stepped from the rail car and pulled on her helmet and set her tracking comms an net access. She was now the only foot patrol officer in the hole and Yuri knew that even if she needed back up that her fellow officers would let her die.