Artemis looked as the com message she got and raised an eyebrow at it before shaking her head "Fool forgot to encrypt his message before sending it" before she stood up and looked at wall display showing the security cams for the old loading bay that was once used during the early days of L5 but was left abandoned for the last 0 years when the larger earth fleet ships started to become more commen and even now the bay was barely large enough to dock and hide the Firestorm, as she stood watching the cams she contemplated her choices before sighing and loadig her hand gunand putting an earpeice receiver/transmittor to keep in contact with her people before leaving with a small 3 man team to make sure she wasn't being set up while she put on a pair of sunglasses to hide her cybernetic eyes from general view. {Side note: normally i'm able to keep any errors down but i do have a mild case of dyslxia so please let me know if i miss spell please ^^}