[i]Damn…[/i] Mike thought after having a good time with Cynthia. Mike was now lying on his bed with his comforter partially covering his body. He had been zoning out towards the ceiling for a while until his eyes fell on Cynthia who was getting herself dressed. Mike didn’t last as long as he usually did, thanks to being the highest he’s ever been in his life. He wasn’t mad though, because it felt a lot better. Quality over quantity, right? Then again, just to make sure, he focused on her. [i]“Amazing… Next time I want him when he’s not so drugged up.”[/i] Cynthia’s thought made Mike smirk. “What are you doing now?” Mike asked. “I’m gonna shower, change, and then class… I know, who sets classes up for Friday?” She said with an unenthused tone. “Anyway, I’m right across the hall if you need anything. See you, Mike.” Cynthia said before walking to the door “Seeya.” Mike replied before sighing and looking back towards the ceiling. Today started off pretty shitty, but now things were evening out, you know with the reading minds and getting laid bit. He was extremely high, but he knew he had to get a few things done for today. First he needed to get the latest scoop on the current events that have been and are going to happen on campus for his radio show later this afternoon. He established a clever system with the college newspaper, though it wasn’t so smooth. He’d contact an editor of the newspaper and get a quick summary of the current event, but half the time they didn’t pick up or didn’t even remember a quarter of what they edited. Man, they needed some new people, or at least a new person that was reliable. After Mike got that done, he had to make a call to a local night club known as the Attic. It was decently popular, but he did promote for them on Facebook, Twitter, and even on his own radio show to keep the club relevant. Sometimes he filled in as a doorman for the club which only brought him in some extra cash. Mike looked around for his phone, only to remember that it was in his pants pocket. His pants were three feet from the bed, but it seemed like a mile. [i]Fuck… I don’t want to get up.[/i] He thought before sitting up. He got off the bed with a groan. With a hand outreached, towards his pants and his desire to have them in his hand, something miraculous happened. The pants slid across the floor and up to his hand. “Oh shit!” Mike yelled before slapping the pants down to the floor and jumping back onto his bed with his fists up. That had scared the shit out him, whatever it was.