Eric didn't try to talk with her, and honestly that was fine. They sat there in silence for a long while and she didn't care that it was awkward. There was a brief moment when Laurel had felt as though someone was watching her. It was that sensation when goosebumps rose on her arms and her hair seemed to stand on end. She straightened in her seat and glanced around, her green eyes wary. She thought she caught a glimpse a face looking at her from behind a crowd of nurses bustling through the hall, but when she looked closer she saw nothing, except maybe someone disappearing around a corner. Under any other circumstances she would have done something, but Laurel could barely get herself to move a muscle. That is until she heard a cracking, accusing voice addressing her and she looked up to see a woman gazing at her with wide eyes. She would have been lovely and professional looking if she didn't look utterly crazed, and Laurel felt herself wanted to flinch away from the woman's eyes. [i]"Was it you? Did you shoot Jamie? Did you!?"[/i] Jamie. So that was his name. In critical condition because of her and she hadn't even known his name. Laurel looked back at the woman, unable to speak but her guilt showing on her face as clear as day. The woman let out a wordless noise, a choked shriek that conveyed pain and anger in the most horrible way. Laurel actually did flinch this time and was suddenly aware that the woman had launched herself at her. She may have been angry and grieving and totally determined to tear Laurel's throat out, but Eric was faster and stronger. He stood swiftly and caught the woman before he could touch his friend, pulling her across the waiting room, away from where Laurel sat stunned. The woman trashed, yelling wordlessly and fighting to keep Laurel in her furious gaze. Eric remained calm as he restrained her and he spoke steadily until she was able to hear him. "Ma'am, I know that this is difficult, but you need to calm down or you will be removed." The woman looked at him, angry and incredulous, but then seemed to take a moment to consider his words and maybe even her loved one and being able to see him. That seemed to force herself to take control and calm herself down again. It was only when Eric was certain that she would not lunge for Laurel again that he finally released her. The woman straightened her jacket and smoothed her hair, looking composed and professional again, but her hazel eyes still fixed themselves upon Laurel with a cold fury that unnerved her. Eric was then able to ask some questions that the woman answered with forced politeness, and Laurel only caught snippets. That her name was Virginia Thompson, she was James Weller's girlfriend, that he was the event planner that had organized and thrown the party at the house, which explained why he had been there. Virginia then looked back at Laurel, who was still sitting in the chair. "What. The Hell. Happened exactly. To my boyfriend." Her words were clipped and Laurel was willing to bet that she was a lawyer or in the law profession. Great. Exactly what she needed was an angry lawyer. Eric started to answer, but Laurel managed to find her voice before he had a chance. "There was a robbery taking place in Samuel Ingrahm's home at the time of the party." "Laurel...," Eric started to say but she ignored him. "Mr. Weller must have walked in on the thief in the middle of stealing a sapphire necklace from the study. I arrived and found that he had been taken hostage. The thief was using him as a sort of shield so I wouldn't shoot him. There was a struggle of sorts and the thief got distracted and I thought I had an open shot. But I grazed Mr. Weller instead." Laurel had manged to maintain a calm tone throughout this speech and she finally stood, looking at Virginia squarely. "It was an accident, but I take full responsibility for what happened to Mr. Weller."