Name: Leonardo “Leo” Turtle Alias: Leonardo Age: 21 Gender: Male Skills/Powers: He is trained in the art of ninjitsu. Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons): He uses [i]katanas[/i] as his weapons. He also uses a Changer to make himself look human when he needs to. The problem with the Changer is that he isn’t as fast or as skilled in his human form as he is in his turtle form. Personality: Leonardo is very kind and caring especially toward his team and family. He can be a bit timid at time when giving orders, but he is a natural born leader. He wants to improve himself as much as he can, and he is very hard on himself when he fails. Weakness: Leonardo is scared of letting his team down and thus, letting the people who depend on him down. History: Leonardo was originally a normal turtle. He was the childhood pet of a little kid in Manhattan, along with his three other brothers. A fire broke out in the house and the child ran back inside to save his pet turtles. But when the child lost everything in the fire, he set the turtles near a drain pipe and the turtles fell into the sewer, falling into a strange green goo called [i]mutagen[/i]. They began to change and they grew to human sizes and human proportions. They began walking on two legs and fighting. (I will change this is anyone wants to be Michelangelo or Donatello or Raphael) Leonardo lost three of his family members when the rise in crime began and now he searches for a new team so he can avenge their deaths. Appearance (Human Form): [img=] Appearance (Turtle Form): [img=] Other: Nothing