Name: Jayke Damon Alias: Doesn't have one yet Age: 16 Gender: M Skills/Powers: Shapeshifting Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons): Nothing except the everyday things he owns Personality: Kind and caring. He's always on the lookout for other people and tries to help on anyway he can. As much of a loving person he is, he's also quick tempered around people he doesn't like. He's socially awkward around new people but soon gets out of it of he talks to the person enough. Weakness: He can only shape shift if the person is in sights. If he falls asleep or gets knocked unconscious then he reverts to his original form. History: Jayke grew up tough. He lived with his mum up until he was 14 where he then went to live with his dad after being kicked out of hjos mums house. After a while at his dads social services decided he was unfit to care for a child. He was then moved to a foster home where he has loved since. Appearance: [IMG=] Other: United