[hider=credit where credit is due] so I am not branded a thief orginal credit for this anime idea goes to kathas [/hider] [i] a sound soul, resides within a sound mind, and a sound body[/i] Maka defeated Asura twenty years ago, and peace has gradually returned to the land, the heroes of the Kishin Crisis gradually settling into more or less normal lives. The heroine herself has taken over as chief Meister instructor alongside the still undead Sid, Tsubaki is now a specialized weapon teacher, and Death the Kid is 'the Kid' no longer. But an undercurrent lurks under the newfound peace and stability, and as the new students of the Death Weapon Meister Academy begin to hunt their first souls, something may change their lives and the DWMA forever. [hider=legal disclaimer] I do not own the rights to this cannon or to the manga. Any info I use is from the wiki [/hider] [hider= What's soul eater?] Soul Eater is the story of students of the Death Weapon Meister Academy, a school for people who have the ability to change into weapons and the people who wield them, known as Meisters. The goal of a Meister is to feed their weapon(s) 99 evil souls and 1 witch soul, turning them into an implement powerful enough to be wielded by Death himself. [/hider] [hider= the in's and out of the academy] Copied and edited from the Wiki. Cafeteria: The school has a large cafeteria providing the students with food during the school day. It has a rich menu, serving meals from all around the world. Library: The Library is incredibly big, a large room that goes up to at least three floors, with bridges connecting the opposite sides of each floor, with shelves upon shelves of books and has desks with lit torches for study. The Library follows a rule which restricts some students to only be able to look at a limited number of books in the Library. The books are divided into four categories: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. Meisters up to Two Stars in rank can have access to Level 1 books, but cannot have access to Level 2 books, which can be read by Three Star Meisters. Level 3 books can only be accessed by staff and the highest rank, Level 4, can only be availabe to Senior Meisters or Death Scythes. However, as seen with Death the Kid, who is a Grim Reaper, exceptions can be made. Mission Bulletin and Reception: One of the lively places in the Academy, the Mission Bulletin is where Meisters get their missions to hunt Evil humans and get more Kishin Eggs to make their Weapons Death Scythes. Descriptions of each mission are written on cards and placed on the bulletin. Students are free to pick which mission they want, but the missions can have special requirements written on them as well, like the ability to sense souls. Some missions can be dangerous, and mainly include killing Evil humans. However, some do not involve Evil human and are just missions to create peace and help people in distress. Near the bulletin is the Reception. Here, students who have chosen their missions take their mission cards to the receptionist who checks whether they are viable for the mission before actually assigning the mission to them. Classrooms: The classrooms are also wide and spacious and resemble lecture halls rather than classrooms, with pitched floors and conjoined desks and the blackboard and the teacher's desk in the center. There are also windows at the back which provide a view of the grounds. Each class has a homeroom teacher. It seems that students have free access to the classrooms, even outside lessons. There are also special classrooms lit with aromatic candles. The candles' scent is made to agitate anyone who smells it, but it is used as a room where Meister and Weapon partners overcome their differences and thus create a stronger Soul Resonance in between them. Dispensary: The area where sick or injured Meisters and Weapons are treated. The dispensary is a typical hospital room with several beds and an examining room, a doctor's office and a storeroom for all the medicine. In the hospital wards, a couple of health posters can be seen. Running Track: There is a running track located outside the school building used for Physical Education classes. Shower Rooms: It is also revealed that the Academy has shower rooms for students to use after Physical Education classes. Dojo: The Academy also has its own dojo, where students, both Meister and Weapon, spar with each other. Dance Studio: Not really used for dancing, this room is usually used for beginner Meisters and their Weapons to improve their combat skills. The room is wide and spacious in order for plenty of movement for more than one person, and has some side benches and a locker area and changing rooms. Shooting Range: For students wielding gun-type Weapon partners, there is also a shooting range to improve their marksmanship skills. The targets are made to look like Kishin with Asura's three eye markings painted on them. Restrooms: The restrooms are quite spacious and lavish. Some, like Sid and Maka, use the mirrors in the restrooms to contact Death the Kid in the Death Room. Death Room: This is the room where Death the Kid now dwells, complete with a mirror as a medium of communication with Meisters and an observation screen. Witch Counter Measure Headquarters: A room which in which contains many things pertaining to Witches and their history. Also holds cases that are suspected/confirmed to have witches involved. School Grounds: The Academy have wide balconies for students to access and the grounds in front of the entrance are also used as a makeshift battleground for training fights between students. During these battles, a member of staff must be present to view the fight. The area near DWMA also seems to be a forest area, where some students like Maka and her team use it as a training ground. School Gardens: Lush green gardens with many trees surround the school. It is a perfect place for various students to train individually. Lockers: Lockers are also seen in some parts of the corridors. In Soul's case, Meisters (all female) constantly send request letters into his locker for him to be their partner when he becomes a Death Scythe, much to his chagrin. A few lockers are decorated with stickers. Dormitories: For students who do not live in rented accommodation, grand, luxurious dormitories can be provided for by the Academy. They separated into single-sex dormitories, each run by a superintendent. They take care of basic living facilities, but any other luxuries and food need to be paid for by the students. The dormitories are known for their luxurious layout, with furniture from the 1800s and Meissen crockery. Visitor's Residence: Located in the underground of the DWMA is the Visitor's Residence, where visitors of DWMA can stay. Since it is underground, the rooms slightly lack a home-like atmosphere, with stone walls, a bed and table and a basin as well as a barred window. Dungeon: Although it is not used much, the DWMA does have its own dungeon for holding various prisoners. There is also an interrogation room present within them. The Secret Vault: A heavily guarded and hidden vault containing various Demon Tools made by the Scientist Eibon and various pages from The Book of Eibon. Few are trusted enough to be allowed access to it. The Demon Tools and the pages acquired by DWMA are sealed away in this vault. [/hider] Character Sheet with Explanations: Name: Age: 14-18, though older and younger exceptions can be made, especially for weapon characters. Race: Weapons have the ability to transform into a Demon Weapon form. Soul “Eater” Evans, for example, can become a scythe. Partial transformations are possible, though the great majority of weapons are far stronger with their Meister. Meisters, on the other hand, are extremely athletic humans who have the ability to “Soul Resonate” with their weapon, a process by which a Soul Wavelength is passed back and forth between wielder and weapon until it becomes powerful enough to be released in a massive blast. Most Meisters can only Resonate with a single weapon and their are few cases when a Meister can handle 2. Additionally, some Meisters can perceive the souls of their enemies, allowing them to tell Kishin Egg from ordinary human. Meister Abilities/Weapon Form and Description: A Meister Ability is a special technique or attack unique to your character, such as Sid Barrett's Compulsive Burial or Living End. For weapons, put your weapon form and appearance here. Pictures are fine. Appearance: Human appearance for your char. Personality: What your char acts like. Biography: Your char's life so far. Partner: This blank is not compulsive at the beginning, but this is where you put the Meister or Weapon you're partnered with. Other: Anything else. The rules for this rp: 1. Listen to the staff. 2. No gmodding 3. Follow site rules. 4. Above PG-13 stuff gets taken to PM. 5. Profiles need to be approved. 6. Have fun! The Gm's character Name: Angelo ortega Age: 16 Race: Meister. Meister Abilities: soul eruption, Angelo has the ability that when in battle he is able to use his soul wavelength to electrically charge his weapons or his own hands and when either the weapons or his fists hit an enemy the explosion will charge and electrical pulse to the enemy enough to stun or kill depending upon how much energy Angelo uses appearance: no wings of course [img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608033104559147329&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0/flower.jpg] Personality: Angelo is lazy for the most part usually sleeping in class or during the day but people that know him know that he simply sleeps because he was once in a peaceful place outside death city once and he was happy for a while. Angelo is very trustworthy and can be a hard worker when he needs to be but that isn't often, its only when Angelo is in battle that Angelo takes on a new personality and is instead focused and ready with his adrenaline pumping Angelo is a force to be reckoned with when he is in battle. Although almost after every battle Angelo will fall asleep and go back to being lazy Biography: Angelo once lived a quiet life outside death city but one day a keishin killed his parents and Angelo would have been dead as well if it wasn't for a meister using her scythe on the keishin turning it into an egg where her scythe ate it. Angelo was shocked but the girl was able to tell him this before she left "don't be afraid to fight back" then taking her word to heart Angelo trained and join the academy wanting to round up as many souls as he can so he could keep everyone safe from experiencing what he went through Partner: will put them up next other: Angelo has a gold necklace he never takes off since it came from his dead parents and doesn't allow anyone to touch it \ The gm's weapons Name: the big brothers name is Lorenzo while his little sister is named Maria Age: Lorenzo is 18 years old however his little sister is only 13 Race: both are weapons weapon form and description: while Lorenzo the big brother can turn into a long sword [img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608030411607379724&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0/flower.jpg] The little sister although small can pack a big punch as a revolver [img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608028165349310492&w=312&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0/flower.jpg] appearance: [img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.607997297413918528&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0/flower.jpg] Personality: Lorenzo is a protective big brother that doesn't let many people even touch his little sister as she is the only person he has to call family, he is a hard worker and a perfectionist he works well with Angelo since he is always urging Angelo to work harder and reach his full potential while liking his laidback attitude even though hes to proud to admit it. Maria on the other hand is very playful and giggly always looking to the bright side of things and being friendly with others she was a very welcoming person to Angelo and was always nice to him so she is always happy to play with Angelo but when she gets mad she throws a tantrum like you wouldn't believe biting people and saying names but even if the person is bigger if they make her mad she will still attack which is why Lorenzo is so protective to try and keep Maria from going off on someone Biography: their pasts are to be relieved but they meet Angelo while he was sleeping on day at the academy, Maria went over and poked Angelo but before Lorenzo could stop her Angelo woke up smiling at the little face before he pretended to fall asleep and when she poked him he woke up and said boo. Maria was startled but they both laughed at that and Angelo introduced himself like a gentleman making her giggle again and when Lorenzo walked over he wanted to make sure Angelo wasn't trying to hurt his sister, when it was established that Angelo never hurts kids that made Lorenzo trust him and they agreed that the both of them would be his weapons Partner: Angelo