Just then, as Reverse Flash was about to speak, he heard the speaker crackle to life as Amanda Waller's dulcet tones filtered through. "[i]Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER.[/i]" Eobard knew he was the one that last word was directed at. The red and black clad speedster sighed, and started for the door of the yard when he was stopped by beeping from his collar. [i]"I didn't say Go, yet, Eobard. Now, Suicide Squad, GO.[/i]" At Amanda Waller's word, and with a sonic boom, he moved so fast he was barely more than a Red and Black blur of lightning. He snapped the neck of the overwatch guard, and moved back down towards the now open yard. An alarm sounded, and behind his steak of lightning, came guards. Great. "I come back for you, and we get a massacre on our hands. I hate mondays."