Danni was far away from the gate of the academy, in which she was one of the new arrivals. She had heard quite a bit about the academy, mainly good things. While she was a little excited to learn, Danni was more excited to socialize and meet new people. A cigarette hung loosely on her lips, as she approached the gate. It suddenly struck Danni that this could be seen as bad manners here at the academy. Quickly, Danni plucked the cigarette from her lips, and flicked it to the ground, giving it a good pat with the bottom of her shoe. Still a ways away from the gate, Danni trudged forward. As she got closer, she realized someone was at the gate, looking as if they were there to greet the new students. As Danni got closer, she looked up and down the girl, clearly very serious about her status as a student at the academy. Danni stopped just short of the gate, and stuffed both her hands in her pockets, changing her gaze from the gate, to the girl, "Hey, you're here for the new students, right?" Danni inquired, her tone lacking enthusiasm and instead putting on a visage of indifference