Name: Ruby Applecot Alias: Kitten Age: 16 Gender: Female Skills/Powers: Ruby has the power to turn into a black cat at will, which allows her to be able to look innocent and therefore get out of trouble (unless, of course, someone already knows that she can turn into her cat form). Ruby's normal form is fully human apart from a pair of black cat ears upon her head and a black cat tail at her extreme-lower back. Other than turning into a cat, Ruby has great agility, being able to jump up to high places, or climb if she is up to it. Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons): Ruby does not have anything except a sharp knife, however she is trained in basic firearms. Personality: Ruby's personality is rather catlike, purring at people she likes, hissing at those she dislikes. Upon first meeting someone, she will react with caution and often will attempt to make them feel fearful and leave, will turn into a cat (if she isn't already one) and hide, or she will be a cat and just act like a cat would, giving the intruders nothing to be curious about and therefore let them leave on their own. When she develops a friendship, she will start to care more for her friends, however she will still react a bit harsh or upset if someone makes a joke that she doesn't like, even if it is just intended to be a joke. Ruby dislikes to be reminded of how she was cast out by her creators. Weakness: Ruby has a few weaknesses. Firstly, she is [u]terrified[/u] of water, even if she is crossing something like a bridge. If she is splashed with water, she would probably faint. Her second weakness is that she will fall for anyone who tries to play with her with a cat-toy. Laser pens work the best, however she will fall for other things as well, the least efficient being toy mice. However, this second weakness depends on her mood. Her third and final weakness is that she will do almost anything for fish, even if that is betraying her friends, or even spying on them for the enemy. History: Ruby was genetically made in a lab, bred to be a spy for the military that could slip into an enemy's territory and snoop around. She began to be trained when she was four, however at the age of eight she began to develop something that her creators did not anticipate, and that was the fast growth of a cat tail and cat ears. After a lot of discussion, the military and scientists realized that she could no longer be trained as the tail and ears would be easy to spot in a disguise. They threw her out, and she was left an 'orphan'. After a long while of travelling, using the wild for food and water, she made it to New York city, where she took residence in an alleyway. Appearance: [img=] The hair is blonde instead of the colour it is. Other: United