Funny thing about electricity: it really didn't care what species you were. A living body would never respond well to electricity being passed through it. Except if you were an electric eel. Or a water bear because, seriously, unkillable. It's funny what runs through your head when you're being tased. The least funny thing is, again, the electricity. There are other things however. Like the fact that Shemp could have prevented this pain. That's what the feeling was saying. That's what the feeling had tried to do. Already wary of danger from the escalating catfight, when it had spotted a black clad faceless goon rushing him it had nearly taken matters into its own hands to solve the problem. The Mantis Shrimp only really has one solution to most problems, and it was only the tale tell click feeling in his arm that alerted Shemp to what a deeper, more primal part of his brain was trying to do. The effort of will it had taken to suppress that instinct to punch was why Shemp was now twitching on the ground instead of standing triumphantly over a liquid pile of what was once a man. Or a woman. Who knew though that facemask. Probably had family though. Probably had friends. Was probably given this posting specifically because they were expendable. And really, standing up like that was just asking to get tased. He felt bad about everybody else though. Well, not everybody else. As he pushed himself up off the floor, elbows shaking and primal mind still eagerly looking to lash out from the pain, he looked over at Oliver and Zain. As he pushed himself up the wall he never took his eyes off them and spoke shakily between breaths. "What....did I tell you....[b]assholes[/b]?" Then he turned stumbled toward the door, he said aloud to the guards. "Any of you tall strapping lads willing to show a poor broken down tramp to his hovel?"