[centre][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/74861/posts/ic]THE OOC IS NOW UP! STILL ACCEPTING![/url] [img=http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g385/fatboykyle/swordart_zps377e8991.png] [b][u]Sword Art Online: Second Server[/b][/u] [i]10,000 copies of Sword Art were sold and its unfortunate players became the headlines of news globally. 10,000 players were stuck in a virtual game where life and death became very real things. What was not so documented however were the pirate players… those that were stuck on second server.[/i][/centre] [b]The setting:[/b] This RP is set in the word of [url=http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_Art_Online]Sword Art Online[/url], which is an anime about players that get stuck in a virtual game. These players are told that they cannot log-out unless the game is cleared, and that death inside the game will cause death outside of the game. This RP will be set at the same time on ‘Second Server’, a server which the games creator set aside for players who purchased pirated versions of the game. This version of the game is similar in most ways but has 99 floors instead of 100 and is considered to be fairly harder, mostly because of the larger number of players (14,361). Players will initially write one or two posts set at the start of the game where they receive the announcement that they are stuck in the game. There will then be a time-skip of (probably) around 6-months. Players will be given quite a lot of freedom, although I would urge them to stick to canon as much as possible (though tbf I’m not expert). The primary story Arc will of course be about clearing the game, but there will be secondary plots that I have already thought of as well as plots designed or introduced by players. One of these Secondary plots will revolve around my character and the guild known as The Braziers, which I hope players will join! Others will revolve around guild conflicts. Players can be part of one of the Top-5 guilds or create their own. [centre][i]Top 5: Blood Dragons The Night Fissures The White Lotus Order of the Divine (Formally) The Braziers[/centre][/i] [hider=Guilds] Braziers: The Braziers serve primarily as a scout group. They have often been the first guild to explore a new floor and often are the ones who have fight sighted bosses. They keep their numbers very small so they are not suited to take on bosses alone, although they normally will take part in the raids alongside the other front-line guilds. The guild only consists of ten or less members at any given time and this is for a couple of reasons. Firstly it means that each individual player receives more and can grow stronger. And secondly it means the group can remain more tight-knit, which is good for trust as well good cohesion in battle. With the exception of ‘Guild President’, ‘Guild Vice-President’ and ‘Guild Secretary’, each member is named after the role they fulfill. In the guild hall they have plaques which record every fallen member and the position they filled. The guild was very recently wiped out with the exception of the Guild VP, Hawke. It occurred less than five hours after the previous floor was cleared, and according to Hawke they accidentally stumbled across the next boss and were unable to escape. This is first occurrence of a non-escape boss room and many are suspicious, especially given that it meant Hawke allegedly finished the boss off solo. The guild is now recruiting but many are choosing to stay away from it and its new leader. The Blood Dragons: The Blood Dragons are perhaps one of the most secretive of guilds despite being the highest ranked guild. It’s believed they have around thirty-five members but no-one outside the guild is sure. Each member is recruited in secret and only when they have proved to be a powerful (or potentially powerful) player, and are not allowed to leave the guild. Unless they are in their hidden HQ each member wears a helmet to mask their identity and will be addressed by number. Members are forbidden from revealing their true identities to outsiders. It’s believed that they do this to prevent outsiders from targeting individual members or their weaknesses. Their leader is Blood General Iroh, and he often dictates how a raid will proceed. Because of their high ranking and secretive nature, many people are filled with both fear and awe when they see someone wearing their armour. The Night Fissures: The Night Fissures started off as a protection group, offering their services to lower ranked players. This included leading players through dungeons, to higher zones or even just protecting them from hostile players. The roguish leaders of the guild quickly became some of the games richest players and so naturally gained some equipment advantages which led to them eventually joining the front-lines. The guild has around thirty players, with the top six being much more powerful than the rest. The White Lotus: This server’s equivalent of Knights of the Blood. The guild consists of around thirty high leveled players. Whilst they are one of the bigger guilds, every member must prove to be an experienced fighter before joining. They try to act very moral and believe themselves to be above some other clans. Their armour varies from member to member, but each will wear mostly white and will wear the lotus arm band. Order of the Devine: This guild is the largest on the server, with around two thousand members. What distances it from other guilds isn’t actually its size, but rather the fact it is a Christian only guild. The guild understandably draws some tension, and there is even some infighting within it. Leadership or the guild changes on a fairly regular basis, with the old leader usually coming to an unfortunate end. Whilst the guild primarily believes in helping all players and beating the game, there are clearly some fanatics as well as players who are simply using the guild to further themselves. Some have argued that it is a player killing guild, but others argue that it’s unfair to judge the whole guild by the actions of a very small minority. The Nightshades: A notorious red guild, the Nightshades are believed to be assassins and bandits. Although the guild definitely existed in the early days it no longer is registered by the system. It’s unclear whether they have disbanded, been killed, or merely act in secrecy. Some have hypothesised that they act as puppeteers for other orange guilds, having infiltrated smaller groups. [/hider] --- If you are interested then of course say so! I’ll also be honest in saying that I might not be able to dedicate enough time to this, [b]so I would love if one or two people who know SOA could apply to be Co-GMs![/b] If you want to show that you are really interested then you can even send in an early version of a [url=https://titanpad.com/GVyiZWTbiv]Character Sheet[/url]! I will warn however that as time progresses you will likely have to update your cs to reflect changes in the sheet and the RP. [hider=Hawke] [b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Robert Hawke [b]Character Name:[/b] Hawke [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/a/a5/Amon_shedding_a_tear.png/revision/latest?cb=20121107110651] Stands at about 6ft2. Sturdy athletic build. Has a faint five o’clock shadow. [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Yes [b]Personality:[/b] Hawke veers towards stoicism, but his emotional side can show when he loses friends or feels that he is unable to help. He is slow to trust but once someone has earned his friendship they will find that he is furiously loyal. He is prone to getting some mild blood lust whilst in combat, but not [i]often[/i] to the point where he loses control or endangers others. He never backs down from a fight. [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] Hawke worked as a security guard aboard various freighters. He would spend his free time doing one of three things: sleeping, drinking or gaming. His family weren’t a massive part of his life due simply because his job kept him far away from home. Two of his oldest friends, ‘Aang’ and ‘Maric the Red’ joined SAO with him and together than founded the guild known as “The Braziers”. [b]Game Background:[/b] Very shortly after players were told about the nature of the game, Hawke, like many beta-testers, went off ahead to try an gain an advantage. This wasn’t out of complete selfishness however, and he took his (non-beta) friends with him. The Braziers were one of the first guilds founded on the server and they pledged to do all they could to help clear the game. In the following six-months rumours have started to spread that Hawke is somehow connected to the Nightshades. This rumour has perhaps grown significantly as recently Hawke emerged as the sole-survivor of his guild under unusual circumstances. The death of his guild, regardless of circumstance, is not something he is taking well although he does incredibly well to hide it. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] [*]Two-handed Assault Spear[/*] [*]Light Metal Equipment[/*] [*]Parry[/*] [b]Special skill?:[/b] His spear grants him the ‘Berserker’ skill. This is a skill which he tends to keep a secret and not use. [b]Other skills:[/b] [*]Acrobatics[/*] [*]Sprint[/*] [*]Reveal[/*] [b]Current Weapon:[/b][url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b287/michaelrayholt/SkyPiercer.jpg]Beserker’s Blood Spear[/url] [b]Current Armour:[/b] [url=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/138/a/d/finished_by_jasson78.jpg]Standard light armour worn by Braziers[/url] [b]Play style (Optional):[/b] Aggressive damage dealer [/hider]