|In the Reaper HQ, Cruor's dungeon| Loud pained screams could be heard as Cruor supervising Natasha as she was cutting up some cattle for him to drain of their blood. Sadly, she was a bit over zealous in her work. "No, no, no, Natasha, you have to make a small, shallow incision along the vein, then place the tub inside of it. Your making you cuts o big and two deep. Keep it up, and the pigs will die long before they've reached their peak. I lost all of my old livestock during that Syndicate raid, so please do try to be more careful, okay sweet heart." Cruor moved to wipe off some blood that had gotten on Natasha's face. "Look at you, you're getting filthy. Just go find your brother, I'll handle the rest of this okay." Natasha, a twelve year old girl with blonde hair dyed red near the tips,soft grey-green eyes, and was currently wearing an exact replica of Scorn's outfit, albeit with a more sloppily painted on skull, sighed as she handed the bloodied knife back to Cruor, muttering about how unfair this was under her breath. Cruor sighed, wondering what happened to the sweet little girl he had saved from the alleyway a couple years ago had gone. 'Is this what puberty does to women, god, dealing with this is horrible. If it isn't one thing, it's another with that girl.' And so Cruor continued to complain in his mind as he set to wok on hooking up his latest victim to his blood collection device. The man he was currently using was one of the drug dealers that had inhabited the tunnel before them, and along with his 3 friends, were now his new blood banks. When the man's screaming got to annoying, he gave the man a hard punch to the temple, knocking him unconscious.Afterwards he finished up and set about restraining him along the wall of his room. There was enough space for about ten people, and he currently had four. He would have to go hunt for more around the homeless encampments and other places where the unwanted of humanity go spend their miserable existences. Upon exiting his room, he happened upon a tussle between Natasha and her brother, Nova. They weren't blood related, but they had grown up on the streets together and didn't really see much difference between them and other siblings. And like all siblings, they fought, much to Cruor's annoyance. Couldn't he have minutes of silence, just five fucking minutes would be nice. With a practiced ease, he flung his arms out, sending tendrils of semi-hardened blood from the four metal canisters around his waist out to grab the two children, bringing them before him. Wihc did nothing to stop the fighting as they we still trying to get at each other, trading physical blows for verbal ones. "Dad, let me go so I can kick Nova's bitch ass smearing dirt in my face and messing up my skull!!" "Well you deserved it for calling me a pussy and trying to give me a wedgie, Natrasha! Who even does that anymore?" After a couple more minutes of this, Cruor decided to end this the only way he knew how, he slapped the shit out of both of them with his tendrils. The two children looked at him, Natasha in anger, Nova in shock, which quickly morphed into understanding and shame. 'Well at least one of them realizes why I had to take such drastic actions. Now if only I can make him more willing to join our cause like his sister. God, dealing with children is such a pain' "Both of you are in the wrong, Natasha, your in the wrong for teasing your brother. It's perfectly fine for him not to want to take part in the more violent activities. And Nova, your in the wrong for retaliating in such a matter. What have I told you two, if one of you has a problem with the other, work it out peacefully or come to me. I catch you pulling this crap again, and the both of you will be grounded for the rest of the month. That means no more 'interrogation' sessions for you Natasha, as well as no more anime. And for Nova, that means no more TV period. Do I make myself clear?" Both children nodded, Natasha with a horrified look on her face at the thought of not watching anime, causing Cruor to sigh. She really spent too much time watching that stuff, but she enjoyed it so much it was hard for him to take it from her, unless he felt like it was needed. Which it definitely was in this instance. He put the two down, causing Natasha to go into her room to watch some Anime from the Laptop they had stolen awhile back, while Nova didn't move, looking at Cruor with an apprehensive look. Nova was the younger of the two at 11, with caramel colored skin, curly black hair dyed white at the tips, and bluish-silver eyes. Nova was also the softer of the two, as he wanted more for conduits and humans to get along, rather than for conduits to rule over humans. A noble ieal, but a foolish one, as far ass Cruor was concerned. Humans were trash, he knew that the moment he had been reborn, and the only good one was a child, or a dead one. He had to stay as far away from the normal members of the reapers as he could, else he would probably kill them to silence the maddening drumbeat their blood pounded into his brain. "Da- Cruor," whispered Nova, breaking the man from his inner ramblings, "Are you angry with us for fighting?" "No, no, of course not. I'm just disappointed in you guys. We're a family hear, and family sticks together, so don't go talking to your sister the way you just did anymore. Got it?." Nova nodded, "Good, now run along and find something constructive to do. Like drawing or something like that." Nova nodded, before going out to his own room, probably getting to finishing up some drawing with his new(again stolen) art set. Seeing as how nothing needed to be done at the moment, Cruor went to his room on the train to get some much deserved rest. He only just noticed Scorn leaving, but paid it no real attention. She'd be back later, and would probably wake him up to do something or other, like when she had him help her interrogate that Syndicate grunt. While they hadn't gotten much info out of the guy, it sure had been quite a fun day, especially when he helped out with her little announcement to the world a couple month's ago. That had been fun to watch, and he had to try his best to keep quiet so as not to run Scorns performance. And with that thought, Cruorslowly and surely drifted off to sleep.