WIP Name:Willard "Will" Masters III Alias: Ferrous ( ( However he rarely uses it. )) Age: 27 Gender: Male Skills/Powers: He can manipulate Ferrous metals "Iron metal's" with hsi control over magnetic fields. He can float in the air if there is a lot of metals for him to fly off. He can use his magnet fields to manipulate his gadgets. Master Manipulator: It is not a super power however he seems to know how to manipulate the weak of mind to his side just by talking to them and offering their hearts desire. Decent fighter: He has no super strength but he clearly has been trained to fight by someone. Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons):He does not have any but he does seem to have a few iron bullets that he uses to fight. He wears a metal mask to block his face. Personality: He is always looking out for number one. He has to or he would get eaten by the dogs of his station. He is polite and rather sauce when he needs to. Will is always trying to keep his plans going. He walks the line of good and evil. Weakness: A lack of iron like metals. With out iron he is useless. So modern skyscrapers are difficult for him to manipulate. He also loses his temper quickly. History: Will was born to a pair of society loving parents. The Masters had lived in the upper East side for years and had made their money in Iron and steel. They cared more for parties than their own son, so Will was raised by nannies or his grandfather. The old patriarch seemed to have taken a liking to the boy, since he reminded of the old man of himself. The boy was cold and intelligent. Far more than his father. He taught Will most of his values such as people are to be used for your own use. Never as friends. When Jake was eighteen his grandfather died of a heart attack. His family expected that Will's father would be named the heir. However the Will of Thomas Masters named his twenty year old grandson the sole heir and appointed his butler as guardian of the boy's fortune. Will was given everything and it pissed his parents off. They cut ties with him but the butler stepped in as the boy's friend. The old butler Reynolds taught Will the other lessons, such as fighting and how to manipulate others. When Will was fourteen, he began to notice metal acted strange around him. It began to jump and shake. Now that he was twenty years old, he could better control his powers and use them to right the wrongs his Grandfather had told him whilst on his death bed. Will now tries to protect from the shadows while pretending he is like his fellows. Appearance: [img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/b0/5e/ffb05e634b95046814dda9223f09edfb.jpg] Other: Ubi concordia, ibi victoria ((Where there is unity there is victory)) They are united.