"Well, I'll take the letter but I don't see the need to follow your directions." Light said, taking the letter from her hands. "First off, my room lead to a new place that couldn't have existed alongside it, so it's impossible to be explained by science." Light pointed out. "Second, you just called us guests when we weren't invited to anything. That makes you highly suspicious, because that means you know something. Why would I go over to that place where there's nothing but chaos going on? you must be mad." Light said, listening to Fry cry out in pain. "I don't work well in too much violent situations. I'm a chess master type of guy, just so you know. Thanks for the letter though, it'll help explain a lot." Light said. "I'm looking out for myself on this one. This is just too dangerous for me right now. Maybe when everyone's calmed down." Light started walking past the maid. "Why don't you drop the act and go deal with them yourself, if you feel so inclined?" Light said with a grin, looking back before continuing to walk. [i]Honestly, so easily handing over vital information like that to a stranger, what an idiot..[/i] Light thought to himself. [i]Even more so since I have no reason to trust her.[/i]