Hearing Trig behind her, the pink-haired girl glanced over, her eyes narrowing down at this man who demanded his guns. While it was obvious that a girl like her wouldn't have them, she didn't seem to be in the mood to be pushed around like this... "I haven't seen anything like that, so maybe you're asking the wrong person," Yuno bluntly replied, not caring if she were initially making a bad move to a new person. As if he didn't matter to her anymore, she had her blank expression return to her happy one right away, quickly holding onto Yukiteru's hand. "Er... it sounds like this 'Beatrice' person is important here. Maybe she's the wife of the owner here... or even the owner herself. I'm just hoping this was one huge misunderstanding... because I'm starting to not like it around here...," Yukiteru thought out loud to himself, wondering just why they were all brought here. It all didn't make sense at first, and for some reason he thought that explanations on their predicament would only worsen the confusion. ----- The maid had surprised expression on her face, but she couldn't do anything about it since she had to formally greet the other 'guests' that were let into this mansion in the first place. Before she would take too much time trying to think of a response to say to Light, the maid knew that she would be caught slacking off, and began to make her way to the entrance hall. The hallway that Light had chosen had been a strange one. There was no light to this hallway, and for some reason... all of the doors were unable to be opened. Not because they were possibly locked from the inside of the many rooms, but it felt more like the doors were literally cemented shut or were simply walls with trick doors. If he were to decide to go over the contents of the envelope, it would be that there was one letter, written in neat cursive and fresh with pen ink. The letter itself read: [center][i]I welcome you, my dear guests, to this lonely mansion of Rokkenjima. Please accept my hospitality in allowing you to take shelter from the dreadful typhoon outside. There is no need for boredom, I will keep you all entertained, if you're willing to play along that is. But first, please put yourself at ease. There is nothing too difficult to think about. Accept entirely, silently, the events to happen. That is all that is asked of you. Being well rested, have you managed to think carefully about your next move? I expect great things of you, from the opening on; in this wager, put in all your spirit. I look forward to your next move. Please, enjoy my game to your heart's content. You will catch on to it's premise in little time from the time you read this. May we meet again after the seagulls cry. ~The Golden Witch Beatrice[/i][/center] It was obviously a letter that was supposed to be read to the other 'guests' that were stuck in this mansion, and it did raise questions as to who the 'Golden Witch Beatrice' was. Then again, Light's sudden and abrupt arrival to this mansion would otherwise suggest that this could be the work of a real Witch. ------ Before the group of people in the entrance hall could get far to explore, the maid that had run into Light earlier had finally shown up, taking a respective bow before speaking,"Sorry for the delay, but I give a dear welcome to all of the 'guests' that had made it to my Mistress's mansion. I'm one of my Mistress's maids, you may call me Shannon. I was supposed to have a letter to share to you all from my Mistress... but I had run into a problem upon losing it... I could recite the letter's contents word for word though.. if you all like..."