Yuri walked her beat in the hole her head constantly in motion as she allowed the helmet scanners to help her keep an eye out for trouble. She knew that the second she became complacent she'd catch either a round in the head or someone could die and she wasn't going to have that as long as she wore the badge. People in most places she passed simply turned away from as if she were to ugly to look upon and in a few places they scurried like roaches when the light's cut on. It was those places that people went out of their way to avoid her that Yuri gave a detailed scan. Dust heads, dealers an hustlers feared her most because they were like rabbits an she was a wolf and in the predator an prey cycle the predator won more often than not. In the hole Yuri was the most feared type of cop because she was honest and the word was she had no price. This meant that any who felt her bite when she arrested them had no way out as they did with other badges. Sighing she looked around herself thinking that none of those that feared her were really at fault, at least not alone. The dusties were hooked on a drug they used to try an escape their lives an the dealers only sold product that was shipped her on corp ships and the hustlers were the dregs of a collapsed society that didn't give a dam about them. Up ahead was a seedy dive that Yuri stuck her head in at least five times a day just so they'd at least try and look legit.