Light found himself at another logical problem: how exactly was it that all the doors in this hallway weren't able to be opened if that maid had opened a door and shut it just a moment ago? that made no sense. He had tried all those available to him, but there was nothing. He had looked over the letter, and it only left him with more questions than answers. [I]The ink is still fresh..did she really think I wouldn't suspect she wrote it? afer all, how do you get a fresh letter from a closed room unless you wrote it? is there some kind of trick to the doors?[/I] Light wondered. What exactly did that maid have that he didn't? she looked pretty human to him. Was she hiding some supernatural ability like a Shinigami? was that maid the "Golden Witch Beatrice"? it was entirely possible. Light folded the letter and put it in his left pocket, he'd go over it again if he needed too. Light aimlessly wandered into another direction as he thought to himself. [I]Also, this mansion seems pretty empty, and including the futile doors, common sense would tell you a maid working in a life less empty mansion during a typhoon is a maid with a few screws loose..[/I] Light thought to himself, only suspecting her even more in having concocted the whole thing.