Possibly to their surprise, the Hero of Time actually planted the sword in the ground and stepped back. With a smirk, the Hero crossed his arms over his chest, then said, [b]"Have at it."[/b] At that point, they might suspect something was up, the Hero really shouldn't be parting with the sword so easily. If any of them tried to pull the sword from the ground, they'd quickly find out what that something was; the sword would not budge no matter how hard they tugged at it, at which point Link would say, [b]"The sword has to choose you in order for you to be able to wield it."[/b] If they thought better of trying to take the sword, Link would pull it back out and say nothing before heading towards the village to the east. Samus, however, was already moving by the time the Pawns were promoted. With a tap of a hand to her chest, energy radiated around her as she entered Hypermode, and a high-pitched screeching noise began to emanate from her suit as it was strained by the Phazon flowing through it. All she had to do was walk, with the rocks simply breaking on her suit as if they were nothing. When they reached the cliff to climb, she deactivated Hypermode and analyzed the handholds, finding they were, indeed, of a ferrous material. Without a word, she entered Morph Ball and used the spider ball upgrade to quickly scale the cliff. At the top, heat poured from the cave entrance they found, though a weak rock barrier covered another entrance, which led to a Great Fairy's fountain as Link would likely remember.