A boy in a turtleneck looked at Sakura and waved at her. She waved back, a little too shy to talk to him. Then she heard a commotion out in the field and rushed over to it, a decision she soon regretted. There was a warrior in armor, fighting little black and white monsters. They didn't look dangerous on their own, but there were a lot of them. [i]Crap. Looks like I'm going to have to show off a lot sooner than I thought.[/i] Sakura raised her right hand to the sky and cried out, "Dragonfire, ignite my heart!" There was a flash of flame, and when it subsided, Sakura was still there, only now clad in a red and white costume. She pushed off the ground, flew about ten feet up in the air, and slammed down on one of the creatures, turning it to an inky mess. "Need a hand?" she asked the armored figure.