Yuri walked towards the dive bar noticing that it seemed to empty of it's regulars as if they were all late for something. This situation caused Yuri's antenna to pop up because unless an enforcement raid squad was in there then something bad was up. She thought of calling backup then tossed that aside knowing that by the time they arrived she'd be dead or dying. It was tough being an outcast because you were doing your job but hey being a badge was never easy. She headed towards the dive her helmet sensors swinging wide so that she could take in everything around her. She twisted her helmet cam to cover the blind spots of her peripherals knowing that if she were walking into an organized crime or rebellion operation they'd have an over watch to pick up just such an annoying visitor as herself. Just before she entered she spotted a guy that was to sure of himself for the hole so she flagged him and entered. Stepping inside Yuri quickly took notice of the Armored Ops officer and a sour look puckered her lips. "Lovely a wetworks thug" she thought as she activated her stun caster for biolock conditions which would activate automatically if she were injured or killed setting off all four of her stun grenades and her sonic disruptor. After that it would begin a screamer com that would send streaming video out to the net so that in the event of her death at least then the force might have a clue as to how she died. Yuri didn't reach for her side arm knowing that it would be only a better way to escalate the trouble she was in. She knew the Black ops guys had reps for being good with their weapons but she knew also that she was one of the best with her side arm in the department due to practice an practical experience. She'd draw if the assassin even so much as gave her cause then deal with the results but till then she'd maintain the peace. As she dealt with the appearance of the assassin she also multitasked with her helmet as she approved it's target link requests.