Andromeda smiled at everyone and looked at the little fox of Allie and looked at Aslan that was studying everybody. His interest mostly got to the little fairy, that was something he had never seen before. ''Is that really a fairy? Does she talk or is everything you hear from her talking a tingling sound like in those movies Andromeda loves to watch ?'' Aslan asked, he stood on Andromeda's shoulder with her feet and his paws where on her head, he intensely looked at the little fairy. ''She is so tiny...'' he said and looked at Andromeda. Most of the time Aslan was very wise but seeing new things he totally changed in the two year old cat he was and he was only focusing on that what was new. Andromeda always thought it was cute. ''Hey professor, quit the questions.. You will find out eventually'' she said. ''Welcome everybody.. Let's start with the tour if you would like so'' Andromeda said and started walking towards the door. She knew they followed her and she smiled. ''Our Academy was started by Lord Griffstone the first... This was my great great great great grandfather. He thought that with all the magic that was here in the world, he should give teenagers and young adults the chance to learn about their power.'' she said with a smile. ''You all know... That there is light magic and dark magic... My grandfather believed in a total balance between those and so he thought his children that one couldn't exist without the other... It is true but sounds very boring sometimes... Also.. Because he believed in this balance.. He had different teachers from all over the world... Their grandchildren are the teachers of today... Some are on the 'good side', some are on the 'bad side'... This is, to give us all a chance to develop our own believe and see what does fit us most... Total harmony, or Total Chaos'' Andromeda said. They had walked trough a hall, toward a huge stairs that was crafted from a very good looking dark wood, with all kind of signs in it, it were the signs of the element. ''upstairs we have the bedrooms... You all have your own bedroom with a bathroom... Boys left, Girls right'' Andromeda said. Even though she showed them around with a smile around her face, she really sounded serious. ''Don't be afraid to ask questions during or after the tour... I prefer after the tour though'' she said with a smile. She went to a hallway. ''Here we have the lockers, your element sign and your name are on the lockers... you're code is send to you by post if I was right'' she said. She walked further and showed them the cafeteria, then the gymnasium and the changing rooms. ''With the changing rooms are the same rules as with the bedrooms... Boys left, Girls right'' she said. After she showed everything, including the classrooms and other necessary things she turned to them. ''now we are coming to the point I love to show you all... Next up is the Libarary, Garden and our pool'' she said with a smile and walked toward a big wooden door, again the signs of the elements where carved in the wood. ''My family loves art.. I'll first show you the Libarary'' she said and opened one door. They entered a huge room, bigger than the gymnasium and cafeteria together and they were pretty big. ''Here you can find almost every book you can imagine... We have a study room here with computers for your homework and there is a door that leads to the garden'' she said. She walked trough it, they could see she loved the libarary. ''And, this place is great for a game of Hide and Seek'' she said with a giggle. she showed them the door to the garden, opened it and walked trough the snow. ''This part of the garden is the silent part... also here you can study for yourself... The Library garden is mostly used for Nature and Water withes and warlocks'' she said. After they exited the garden of the library and finished the part of the normal garden where you could lunch, lounge with friends or just sit and enjoy the weather, she walked trough the halls with a big grin. ''The pool is not that old yet, most of the owners would say that it is to modern to have but my father though it would be great to spend time with friends at the pool because it is a place where mostly young people hang out... Or so he says'' she said with a giggle and opened a door trough the changing rooms of the pool. ''Boys left, Girls right... For now you don't have to take of your shoes'' she said with a smile and walked towards the pool. She stood there and waited for the others to see the pool. She hoped they would love it just as she did. ''With this I am ending my tour... I hope you liked it, any questions you may ask now and if not.. Than enjoy this view for a moment. Your stuff is brought to your rooms, your names are on the door of your rooms and you will all find a key of your room within... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1'' she said, snapped her fingers and they all had the key of their rooms with a key chain on it with the number, their element sign and their name on it, in their right hand