[hider=Character!][b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Haul Byrne [b]Character Name:[/b] Hazard [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male  [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://s1.postimg.org/wf61zsd0f/862822.jpg[/IMG] [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Noup  [b]Personality:[/b] In real life, Haul was someone who always lived up to the expectations of others, behave like this, eat like such, do like that. His life wasn't his but rather, he always felt like he was just fake. In real life, he was all smiles and a well behaved person, an average human who didn't stand out. He would have never done anything he wanted to do, feel the thrill of something. He liked to watch box and UFC matches, but he never gathered enough courage to be in one, he would have liked to do extreme sports, but he never really did so. He was a gutless coward who merely went with the flow of things. But in SAO, things changed. He felt like he didn't have to fake anything in that fake world, no, maybe because it was fake was why he felt like he could do whatever he wanted. He let out his real self, and boy, is he rotten. Hazard doesn't care who he has to stomp to do what he wants and also likes playind the role of a villain and would have played it through and through had it been a normal game. In the death game, he is an asshole with a sharp tongue who likes to point out the things that are wrong with others and laughs at their disgrace. He gets on the nerves of people, but nobody can deny that he is really useful. He now tries to do everything he didn't do in real life, live his life to the max and not let anyone get in the way of his fun. He lives for fun and only for fun. Anything can entertain him, as long as he deems it entertaining. However, what he finds most entertaining are secrets. Of people, of items, of the game itself. He acts as an Information Broker in the game apart from a front line fighter. While he does participate in Boss fights and whatnot, he doesn't seem to want to get out of the game, and the reason as to why he fights against bosses is still unknown. [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] In real life, Haul was nothing but a programer with a gaming hobby. He tried SAO on a whim, since he wasn't all that trusty about the Nervegear, but he never could have predicted what was going to happen. [B]Game Background:[/B] Hazard first sunk in despair when he heard the news. Maybe he was in despair or something, but he soon resolved himself. He couldn't just stay there. He would die at that rate. He took up the mantle of an antagonistic character as the form of his bravado, though it soon became part of his personality. He knew that the skill he had selected wasn't really apt for front line fighting so he chose to become an Information Broker, using intimidation and whatnot to get the information necessary for him to be succesful. It has worked quite well since he started too. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] [B]One Handed Dagger[/B] [B]Leather Equipment[/B] [B]Straining[/B] [b]Special Skill:[/b] [B]Chains of Judgement:[/B] While the name of this extra skill is fancy, it actually isn't that big of a deal. The player has the ability to use chains as a side weapon to slow down the enemy or make them trip. [b]Other Skills:[/b] [B]Searching[/B] [B]Familiar Communication[/B] [B]Hiding[/B]   [b]Current Weapon:[/b] [url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/HWRgcHZJ6jg/maxresdefault.jpg]Curved Balisong[/url] & various meters of chains. [b]Current Armour:[/b] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/069/6/6/yuuki_terumi___cosplay_coat_by_scarletproductions-d79n53u.jpg]Hiding Sun Cloak & Vest of Dawn[/url] [b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] Like an Assassin, he waits in the shadows and then strikes (if possible). If he can't hide, then he will resort to attacking by getting in and out and dealing bits by bits of damage, or he will try to take their opponents down with his chains and then proceed into a full front attack.[/hider] Okay then, I'll be leaving my character here so I can hear some thoughts on him. [s]totally not inspired in Hazama from Blazblue xP[/s]