[quote=Gohan] Sure, if you're fine with all his powers being stripped and him being made to solve the murder mystery the plot is going to be centered around.Also, Nerminator I have a problem with your post. Mikami doesn't know Light, and Light doesn't know Mikami (yet). First of all, Light is the only one who knows who Mikami is. And my Light doesn't yet, because if you paid any attention to my character profile this is Light in his teen years when L was alive (I even mentioned L in one of my posts).Mikami and Light only directly meet at the end of Death Note, and by that time he's so distraught I don't think he particularly what Light's name is. Hell, you even put in your own introduction post that all he heard was a robotic voice using a voice changer, so how the hell would he know who Light is, if he was using a VOICE CHANGER?Also, my latest post makes it pretty clear that Light isn't with the group. The moment he sees them he decides to go investigate on his own, if you read my intro post. He's not with the others, he's aimlessly wandering on his own. [/quote] Poop, Well.........[hider=Death note Spoiler,Do not read unless you finished the series,[/hider]After Light Killed Off L and the Show Skipped forward when Light was Older, Light and Teru Meet each other at the End of the Series,[/hider] So I'll edit that out