[b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Riley Peterson [b]Character Name:[/b] Romulus Aquilus [b]Age:[/b] Born in 1994, so 27? [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] My profile Picture. [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Yes, but pirated it so he could be with his brother. [b]Personality:[/b] You know that really intelligent guy at school? The good looking one who seems to do multiple things at once? That was Riley. He wasn't the strongest, but he was the smartest, and could get out of almost any situation. He is brave and intelligent, but not all that strong, which is why he wears heavy armor in SAO, to loook stronger than he actually is. But he is also Loyal, and a touch of OCD. [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] A promising young American Doctor, Riley had his life ahead of him. He had a Girlfriend, a residency at a large Hospital, and His dreams were coming true. He was also a huge gamer. He Beta tested most games. When SAO finally came out while they were on a trip to Japan, he got a copy, but gave it to his girlfriend, so Riley could play with his brother who had gotten a pirated copy. He and his twin brother went on at the same time, not knowing what lay ahead. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] - Heavy Armor -One handed swords -Medicine [b]Special Skill?:[/b] Speed and attack are raised by 20% using the Legionary's sword against a human foe dressed in animal skins, or light armor [b]Other Skills:[/b] -Shields -battlefield medicine - one handed Spears [b]Current Weapon:[/b] Legionary's Shortsword, Roman Scutum Shield [b]Current Armour:[/b] I want to say either Diablo 3 Heavy Crusader Armor like this [img]http://diablo3.gamersorigin.com/uploads/heberg/1317.jpeg[/img], or Medieval Hospitaller armor like this: [img] http://www.echobasetoys.com/More_12_inch_Stuff_Pics/Ignite_Pics/IGN-CU011.jpg [/img] Unless you have images of the armor of The Blood Dragons, then this is what he wears. [b]Guild:[/b] The Blood Dragons [b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] Paladin if that makes sense? Kind of can be any position on a team.