Trig was taken back by the woman's response, his smile curled down. The very suggestion of not having guns made him faintly livid. When a maid entered the room and began talking on someone's behalf, Trig was once again forced to watch her. Watch her. When she had quieted up as well, Trig nodded to himself. Two speeches were enough for one day. Something about seeing the mistress of the mansion? The hell would she know about his guns? He needed to find his guns! Trig decided it best to investigate another for the disappearance of his weapons. Someone different, someone reliable. Not some pink haired little girl, how could she be of any use, only one way to find out. "Hello. I've been asking around, do you know where my guns are?" Trig asked Yuno once again. "The last person I asked didn't know, maybe you would know?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Where the hell's Red, that character we all love and want to ship with our own characters?) Speaking of Red! The woman stirred in her sleep. Her resting form was against the front doors of the mansion, sprawled outward in a lazy fashion. Mouth gaping, faint snoring, the start of drool, a perfect description for the ever lovely Red. She cupped her hands on her waist lethargically as she attempted to adjust her position. Her eyes snapped upon a dreaded realization: it was no longer on her. Red pounced upright and began to feel around for it, pushing the new environment or people from her mind. Her bat was gone. Paralysis took her over as she began gasping. Her back slapped softly against the door behind her as she sat, twitching at the thought of stolen property.