Viola heard a Loud Bang and saw the Same guy who Appeared out of nowhere holding a gun. Acting like He didn't even Care that he Tooken a Life,Tooken a Possible Ally, Viola Dropped her purse to the Ground with a Clank and Fell to her knees. holding her Right hand over her Chest, she Moved her hand Revealing a Big Hole of Blood, it went Straight through her body, Spilling a Crimson liquid on the Floor and the Wall behind her. Viola Stared at the Artemis and the Other Unknown person, Artemis was VIola's Hero, She never Actually Met her but she read Articles, She was Pretty much a Fangirl you could say, All of This Immediately Disappeared. replaced by. Another, Hatred filled Thought, [b]"I.i.ii wwasa, Ju, ju,ju Just trying to hellpppp,"[/b] She Stammered What might Be her final words and then Fell Flat Forward, Her face Concealed in the Ground. A pool of Blood covered the Floor Around Viola. Lying down in a Pool of Crimson Liquid that was Spilled Over from a Careless, Cold, Bullet from a Careless, Cold Person, The janitor Had a Lot of work to do