Can I sign up with this character? :3 --- [Hider=Miriam][img=][/hider] Theme: [url=]Melodies of Life[/url] [i]"Just close your eyes and count to three, and you're all better! See, it's like a miracle, right?"[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Miriam Christa Justus [b]Nickname:[/b] "None really, though my neighbors back at home kept calling me 'Sister'. I wonder why . . . ?" [b]Age:[/b] 18.5 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 102.7lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Filipino/Half-Israeli [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Relationship Status:[/b] "Single with no experience . . . *sniffle*" [b]Political Affiliation:[/b] "I'm not really that good at understanding politics . . . can't we just do our best for the country?" [b]Religion:[/b] Christian Catholic [b]Drugs of Choice:[/b] "Uh . . . um . . . er . . . stay away from drugs . . . if you can?" [b]Alcoholic Preference:[/b] Wine [b]Favorite Food:[/b] "Oh this is an easy one: Pork [i]Sisig[/i]! What? You don't what that is? Oh, okay . . ." [b]Major:[/b] Nursing [b]Clubs:[/b] None [b]Year:[/b] Freshman [b]Roommates:[/b] "Ah, I live with my [i]Tito[/i] (uncle) near the school along with my brother and my [i]Tita[/i] (Aunt)" [b]Occupation:[/b] Part-timer at a nursing home in the afternoon and a daycare during weekends. [b]Talents/Skills:[/b] "I can sing and play the piano! My brother thinks I'm not very good, but he's just jealous! I think . . . okay [i]maybe[/i] I'm not [i]that[/i] good, but I'm not bad either!" As you can see, she's insecure. She is actually very good (at the piano) and rather decent (at singing). [b]Likes:[/b] "I do like quiet places where I can read a good book, oh, and singing and playing the piano too! What else . . . hm . . . well praying and going to church is very relaxing for me. That isn't weird is it? Most of my friends back home aren't christian, so they don't really get it. I also like eating and cooking by the way! I wanna learn how to bake, but I'll save that for another time. Listening to music is also a hobby of mine." [b]Dislikes:[/b] "I have a few dislikes, after all, who doesn't? This includes discrimination and violence, however, above all I absolutely despise apathy." [b]Personality:[/b] Miriam, partly due to her upbringing, is usually calm and relaxed and constantly has a smile on her face, even under intense pressure and horrible situations. This attitude of hers is particularly for when she is around other people; she does her best to seem fine so that other people can relaxed and cheerful in turn; only when she is safely out of sight does she breakdown - this is especially hard for her, because despite her normal attitude, she's still a young woman, and is nowhere near as strong as she wants others to believe. Her attitude when it comes to work is serious, methodological, organized and hardworking, but when working with others she has problems being straightforward because she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes. Miriam prefers preventing conflict rather than ending it. For Miriam, she considers her existence to be for the sake of helping other people; her own wishes count for next to nothing. Her natural (not to mention extreme) martyrdom applies to almost everyone, and she never turns away someone in need. However, she has not deluded herself into thinking she is some sort of messiah; she knows that she cannot save anyone, even is she wants to. Regardless of all these traits, however, Miriam does not in fact feel compelled to help other people for the sake of her ego or because of some sense of duty; she helps others because to her, it is simply the right thing to do. To ignore other in need is a sin above all others in her eyes, and she will have nothing of it. [b]History:[/b] Miriam is the fourth child out of ten siblings. Her father was a enlistee in the Philippine Army, while her mother, an illegitimate child from an Israeli tourist and a local waitress, was a dishwasher at a local pub. Naturally, that meant there wasn't much money around, so they lived in poverty. Still, her family was relatively happy, and while her father was an atheist, her mother was a devout Christian. It was from her that her love of the faith stemmed . . . but perhaps it would have been better if her mother was a little [i]less[/i] enthusiastic about teacher her their religion: Miriam absorbed her lessons too much, and her sense of martyrdom broke out in a way no one in her family was prepared to deal with. This sense of self-sacrifice was further aggravated by the poverty she lived in. Miriam began doing things that affected her health - she would give away her lunch to beggars, comfort the sick and dying despite the risk of exposure, and even began getting involved with quarrels at the pub her mother worked in. Distressed, her family took many measures to curb her urge to help. There were many of them, but suffice it to say that none of them worked. Her family gave up on this, and for years simply tried to make sure she didn't get herself killed. They always [i]nearly[/i] failed. Once she entered her fourth year of high-school, however, an opportunity to stop or at least slow down her dangerous habits presented itself: Several of wealthier her uncle and aunts began offering her family a chance to go abroad and study there. Of course, in a family of ten kids that went to cheap, dirty public schools, such a chance was more than just a gift; it was practically a god-send. The first to go was of course, Miriam, who was accompanied by her older brother. The younger ones would stay with the family until they got to high-school. Her parents hoped that in a place with not so much poverty and less people in need, Miriam wouldn't be able to act on her self-sacrificing tendencies. Of course, they had no idea about a certain experiment . . . [i][center]Well, they do say the lord works in mysterious ways . . .[/center][/i] [b]Power:[/b] Self-Healing and Manipulation and Sensing of Injuries and Sickness. Her abilities take some explanation: Self-Healing is exactly as it sounds where Miriam recovers rapidly from injuries and sickness, however the process is slow can only be done when at rest (sleeping). When at a sufficient distance from a person (about 3 meters) she cans sense whether a person is injured or not with her body, meaning she will feel what the person afflicted is feeling. Naturally, this becomes problematic when multiple people are injured/sick. She can swap a persons health with her own through skin contact; if she is injured and comes across a healthy person, through contact she becomes the healthy one and the other person gets her injury. The vice-versa of this, where she is healthy and another person is injured, is also possible.