As soon as Hizumi kicked open the door, Takeshi rushed onto the roof and quickly tumbled out of the way as scattered debris was flung around the area. Rapidly moving for protective cover, he quickly aimed his weapon and fired at the Gastrea's back. The creature seemed to be taking sizable amounts of damage, but it still seemed to be focused on Hizumi than it was on him. "Well, this'll be a bit easier then..." Takeshi muttered as he unloaded the rest of the magazine into the monster's body. Hearing Hizumi's shouting as he ran the thing in circles, Takeshi nodded silently to himself and quickly began firing again. "I don't know how many bullets it'll take to get this damn thing down, though!" he said as he ducked behind the cover when another piece of the roof was flung at him. "I'm not sure if we can take it-" As he was shouting, Takeshi was abruptly cut off by the ground collapsing right under him. Swearing under his breath, he used the last of his footing to grab onto the ledge of the newly-formed hole that he was about to fall into. Hanging on and pulling himself up would've been easy, but his left arm was currently being weighed down by the weight of his weapon. "Son of a..." he cursed as he tried to pull himself up. What a predicament he had ended up in...