"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Happy brought the attention back to himself. "Let's not any of us fight... o-or duel... or whatever. Clearly we are at a very... [i]tense[/i] cross in the roads to say the very least, but I highly doubt that fighting it out in the middle of town square will solve [i]anything!"[/i] He was unaware of how loud he was getting, but it didn't stop him when he realized it. "No disrespect, my Lady, but, if I were you, I would not challenge any of these here to any sort of physical quarrel at this exact time as they all have one thing in common. They have next to nothing to gain from having you live. Your plan will go nowhere if they smother you out now. I don't doubt that you're strong. I know that you are, but I also know that at least some of these people wield the power of the Goddesses themselves. So please tread carefully!" After sharing his piece, he realized just how far out of line he'd stepped and quickly clapped a hand to his mouth and forbade himself to speak anymore. His calm cover dissolved around him and he could no longer control his knees. They shook with a nervousness so strong one could smell it. *** Ganondorf looked at the woman with a mixed expression of surprise and irritation. Before he could say anything in response to her challenge, the salesman spoke up. He was clearly nervous, but spoke his mind quite clearly and very much so in favor of the darker princess. Turning against is own people. What a shame and, even more so, a coward.