Real Name: Rei Ryusaki Character Name: Ray The Red Knight Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Beta-Tester: Yes Personality: Rei is a very smart and energetic and friendly kind of girl, who will always be kind to others who she meets she also tends to be very protective over her friends and will do anything she can to protect them. She also has an obsession with anything that is cute and will grab it if she has a chance to, Rei also can be very hardheaded or stubborn and will usually not back down from a fight. When Rei is fighting she is a very fierce combatant in a fight or a duel and if there is a weakness she will try and exploit it and use it to her advantage. Brief Real Life Background: Rei was born into a small family having a younger half sister and her mother, her father ended up passing away when she was a very young girl. Rei's mother eventually moved on and remarried to high school teacher she eventually gave birth to Rei's half sister named Shino and the two have been inseparable. As Rei got older she started to get more into gaming which she enjoyed a lot when playing with her younger sister. When SAO was first announced Rei quickly got interested in the game, she eventually was invited to the beta test for SAO. Game Background: After playing through the beta Rei eventually had gotten to one of the upper levels within the beta test getting up as far as the 30th floor before calling it quits so she didn't want to spoil the game for herself. She however didn't have enough money for herself to buy the full game so she pulled some strings with a friend of hers Rei was eventually able to get a pirated version of the game and quickly got into the game itself. When she realized she was not able to log out she got scared, and became very determined to clear the game itself. Rei would spend sometime helping out the lower players through the floors, she would eventually become close friends with some of them, there are rumors that Rei was asked to join The Blood Dragons. Though she was a frontline fighter she preferred to not be a part of that guild after hearing some stories. 3 Main Skills: One handed swords, Alchemy Armor Crafting. Special skill: Angel's Charge, a very fast quick attack which increases both Rei's speed and strength for a few seconds. Other skills: Blacksmithing Mining Cooking Current Weapon: [img][/img] Demon Lord's Bane. She had gotten the sword after fighting a group of demon monsters, and killing The Demon Lord boss solo by herself she also gain Angel's Protection from the drop as well. Current Armor: [img][/img] Red Angel's Protection. Play style (Optional): Hit them fast, quick, low and hard. High DPS player.