Unfortunately I made time limits so I have to enforce them so as not to be a weak GM. After this tournament I don't believe I'll be doing that as the time limit only exists because the tournament fights happen in a specific order whereas future fights aren't very likely to be put on a schedule like that. I did a pathetic little glance for the Chikori vs Coco fight. Sorry about that but I don't own Chikori as a character so I didn't want to put details into it that would clash with what Rin would have her do. Though I did the cool-guy thing and kept her relatively unhurt with only a defeat by ringout rather than being beaten down. As well I have decided that Chikori will get a 20 point boost for the fight as it still exists but was kinda skipped and the scenario in my head played out where Chikroi didn't exert herself to the extreme or anything because she got a ringout fairly quickly. If that makes sense. My apologies but rules are rules so that was how that went down. On the other hand we have my two characters that just did battle. Jack will be receiving a 60 point boost and Fenro will receive 20. If anyone has any issues with those two numbers just speak up. It gets a bit weird as GM when I'm judging my own actions because there will be an obvious bias that I'll have to fight. I think my own personal power level as j8cob should go up for those scenarios. Hmm... Also gonna update the roster and the OP. But now the next fight is Guls versus Slapstick. The time limit is still in effect.